Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Exopolitical Disclosure and the Pervasive Convergence!
5:03 PM / Posted by Andre Heath / comments (21)
"He must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see some Great Purpose or Design is being worked out here below, of which we have the honour to be faithful servants." - Sir Winston Churchill, 1941.

Most historians would agree that Churchill's speech before the United States Congress was largely a rallying cry to his allies following America's entry into the second World War, galvanized around the pursuit to destroy Hitler and Nazism. However, Churchill's fiery rhetoric has transcended the war era and have come to symbolize the times we currently live in, where an avalanche of innumerable and inexplicable events stretches across all dimensions into the very fabric of our existence.

"Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "Who created us? "Is God real?" "Is Jesus God?" "Are all religions a worship of the Sun?" "Are aliens real?" "What are UFOs?" "Who created the pyramids and what are they for?" "Were we genetically manipulated?" "Is this a dream matrix or an alternate reality?" "Who are the Greys?" "Are the Reptilians real?" "Did we really go to the Moon?" Is there life on Mars?" "Is there a Planet X?" "What is the meaning behind crop circles?" "When will disclosure occur?" "What will happen in 2012?"
In our quest, we ask fundamental questions along the way, as if we are investigators deciphering the real meanings behind Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey or the lyrics and artwork of Pink Floyd. Never ever coming close to understanding the monolith or what is on the dark side of the moon. In my humble opinion, the answers to these questions will not be revealed by bullhorning the Bilderbergs, or watching the pedophiles worship Moloch at Bohemian Grove, or espousing some outlandish and fanciful theory concocted by the covert boys at the NSA, CIA and the Pentagon, or issuing ultimatums to the government for disclosure, or for that matter hoping that President Obama will usher in a Golden Age. The urgency of this moment requires the end of ego in the alternative movement and the establishment of truth as the sole objective. The ego is not based on reality, therefore if the aim is to uncover and disperse truth, a major shift must happen. Our perception of reality must change from the demands for attention and the distortions that fits within that mindset. There is no need to be postulating like Pharisees or yearn to be leaders, gurus, masters or reincarnated prophets. That is silly and quite childish, to be frank. Our efforts must be channeled into understanding what is the great purpose of which Churchill speaks. We need to discern meaningful answers by thoroughly examining our rich history, ancient mythologies, and current news headlines. Even the seemingly mundane occurrences can offer up significant mystical or esoteric answers through the symbolistic language of interconnectivity. Drawn interconnectivity from event markers that can even be visualized prior to the actual instance through a recognition of patterns or signs in popular culture.

For how long can we continue to dwell on which talk show has the highest rating or whose website has the greatest following or who predicted what first, when the week of the released of the new Star Trek movie featured stories that highlights this obvious symbolical pattern. As this rebooted saga invokes the idealism of the 1960s and the JFK era of space exploration for the Obama generation, where the Starfleet is seen as the force to explore the galaxies, we learn of an actual secret antigravity space fleet controlled by the U.S. Strategic Command called Solar Warden.
"Solar Warden, according to cited whistleblowers, has already established bases on the Moon and Mars, and is involved in interplanetary exploration. Strategic Command currently contains the space commands of the three main U.S. military services. These are the Air Force Space Command, the Naval Space Command and the US Army Space Command." - Dr. Michael Salla
In synchronized sequence, we are told that the Warp Drive, the distinctive invention from the Star Trek mythos is quite possible, by physicists working to bring it to fruition.
"The idea is that you take a chunk of space-time and move it," said Marc Millis, former head of NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project. "The vehicle inside that bubble thinks that it's not moving at all. It's the space-time that's moving."... One reason this idea seems credible is that scientists think it may already have happened... So perhaps some unique geometry of mass or exotic form of energy can manipulate a bubble of space-time so that it moves faster than light-speed, and carries any objects within it along for the ride. -
All in the same week that President Obama orders a review of NASA's antiquated and problem-plagued rocket system in-order to forge a new direction that will ultimately take astronauts to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Obviously resonating perfectly with the coming of age journey of the young Kirk as he is recruited into Starfleet. If that isn't enough, Jeff Greenwald of compares Obama to Spock, a cultural translator to the universe leading us into a future of abundance and prosperity with transporter beams and warp drive-capable starships.
"... drawing parallels between the dependably logical half-Vulcan and another mixed-race icon: Barack Obama. They're not just talking about the ears... Nimoy's alter ego was the harbinger of a future in which logic would reign over emotion, and rational thought triumph over blind faith. He was a digital being in an analog world; the Pied Piper who led our generation into the Silicon Age..."
I wonder what Trekkies think of that.

While this is happening, NASA astronauts from space shuttle Atlantis (I wonder who concoct these names) are busy repairing and upgrading the Hubble Telescope in the hopes that it will become powerful enough to find the Holy Grail of Cosmology - the source of the dark matter and dark energy that is believed to construct the majority of the universe.

You can't help but see a pattern emerging from these events and the symbolic motifs associated with them. Now, try to place all that you have just read with the following stories and you might have a clue to where this is all leading: The European Space Agency (ESA) will peer deeper into space and time using the Herschel, the largest and most powerful infrared telescope ever launched into space, meanwhile, astronomers using infrared light have just found a small galaxy of about a billion stars in the constellation Canis Major that is only about 25,000 light years away from the Sun. Stunning, right. This comes against the background of the discovery of a gorgeous shot of a planetary nebula of gas and dust that looks like a giant eye by Hubble. Not to be discounted, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute is going to launch a project called ‘Earth Speaks’, which will collect messages online from people around the world, asking them about their questions to an alien civilization. I think that you can guess where this is headed, don't you?

Speaking of movies and matter, opening this week at your favorite cinema is the film adaptation of Dan Brown's controversial novel Angels & Demons, directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks, the follow up to the Da Vinci Code. In the book, the secret society the Illuminati steals antimatter from CERN, a nuclear research laboratory on the Swiss/French border, and uses it to make a bomb with which they intend to destroy the Vatican. For those who haven't watched it yet, it is a pulsating mystery movie cast against a scenic Roman backdrop, enveloped by a haunting historical storyline that deviates significantly from the book in several areas. But, enough of the reviews, let's look at events revolving around this release and how they relate to the great purpose.

Despite the controversies swirling around the movie, scientists and researchers experimenting on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will be hosting lectures and other related events worldwide, even the reviewer in the Vatican's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, called the movie "harmless entertainment" that is both "gripping" and "a bit of fun." Therefore, at the end of it's theatrical run, the myth regarding the Illuminati would be greatly perpetuated, absolving and ameliorating the Vatican Church State of its dark history. Have you ever wondered why many in the alternative movement would hang outside the Astir Palace hotel in Greece to shout insults at the Bilderbergs and make endless assertions and accusations online and on various alternative media about the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Zionists and numerous other organizations promulgating conspiracy theories about the New World Order. Forgetting that from St. Peter’s Square, the Vatican Church State exerted control over many by incorporating the Atlantean/Babylonian/Egyptian mystery system, changing the spiritual laws by establishing and superimposing the risen Jesus Christ over the Magic Square of the Sun. The Spiritual Sun of a new age, the Vatican established Jesus as the incarnate Solar Logos and formulated laws, symbols, policies and directives that killed millions from the persecutions of the crusades to the world wars. It has continued it's influence and control over European royalties, politicians, spiritual leaders, businessmen and other organizations through the Jesuits, utilizing the major intelligence agencies worldwide like the CIA and MI6 to continued the Nazi agenda with NASA.

We must understand that the Illuminati was created by the Jesuit trained Adam Weishaupt, as was done with other groups. Even the symbol that is often associated with the Illuminati, the cosmic eye above the pyramid on the American one dollar bill is more symbolic of the Holy See, the episcopal jurisdiction of the Pope. Even the Knights Templar, who the Vatican now officially blamed for secretly hiding and venerating the Shroud of Turin, were once under the absolute control of the Vatican. It must be noted that in 1139, Pope Innocent II conferred great powers onto the Templar Order when he issued the papal bull, Omne Datum Optimum stating that the Knights Templar could pass freely through any border, owed no taxes, and were subject to no one's authority except that of the Pope. When the Templars fell out of favor with King Phillip IV of France and other royalties, it was officially dissolved by Pope Clement V. Tells a story, no?

The Vatican Church State is not responsible to any parliament or government and is run like a state corporation, as is the City of London (the financial capital of the world) which was originally created out of the Roman Catholic Church dioceses in England. The same is true of the Washington DC Corporation (the military wing of the Holy See), since the United States of America was first established as a foreign corporation and a subsidiary of the City of London Corporation. As we examine the news headlines that confronts us on a daily basis, it is essential for us to establish the truth, understand historical facts in-order to know the real power structure atop the pyramid. We must not be swayed by the recent headlines of child molestation and sex scandals that has become quite a blow to the facade of normality projected by the Church State, the Vatican is still a very powerful ecclesiastic organization controlling about 10% of the world's population and is worth trillions given the rich collection of treasures it confiscated and compensations from settlements with royalties.

Currently Pope Benedict XVI is touring the Middle East, formally paving the way for a lasting peace agreement between Palestinians and Jews, by officially calling for a Palestinian state. In tandem with Jordan's King Abdullah II called on Israel on Thursday to immediately announce its commitment to the two-state solution and its acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative and take necessary steps to end the Israeli-Arab conflict. President Obama is schedule to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas later in May to further the discussion on finding a peaceful solution to the Middle East question. Now, the Jews, Muslims and Buddhists are awaiting the return of their Messiah, known respectively to these believers as Jesus, the Mahdi and Buddha. Consider too, that many in the prophetic and evangelical community are expecting a messianic figure called the Antichrist or the Man of Sin, who will sign a peace treaty with Israel for seven years following a major war in the Middle East. In the exopolitical field, many are awaiting disclosure, contact and the arrival of extraterrestrials. Since the start of this year, we have seen several countries opening up their classified documents and disclosed entries relating to UFOs. Countries like the United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, Sweden,... and more is expected later this year.

Along with Star Trek and Angels & Demons, we have already seen this year, movies from Hollywood dealing with extraterrestrial, messianic, genetic engineering and post-apocalyptic themes like Monster vs Aliens, Coraline, Push, Impact 1 and 2, Race to Witch Mountain, Outlander, Knowing, Watchmen, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Underworld 3: The Rise Of The Lycans, Inkheart, Butterfly Effect 3: Revelation, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Spirit, X-Men Origins: Wolverine,... It doesn't end there. Here's a few upcoming ones that will extend and more than likely wrap up the alien mythological arc with the 2012 theme: Iron Sky, Predators, Jetsons, World War Z, Hunter Prey, Men in Black 3, Green Lantern, Deryni Rising, Westworld, The Mutant Chronicles, Battle for Terra, Terminator 4, Transformers 2, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood, Aliens in the Attic, Pandorum, 9, District 9, 2012, AstroBoy, Planet 51, Avatar, The Sky Crawlers, Alien Trespass, Legion, Moon, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Countdown, The Flash, Ghost Rider 2, Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Zero Theorem, Halo, Jericho, John Carter of Mars, Jurassic Park IV, Last Equation, Logan's Run, Lost Planet, Robotech, The Thing, V, Voltron - Defender of the Universe, X-Files 3, Battle: Los Angeles, The Days Before, Akira, Conan, The Crazies, Dune, Escape from New York, Flash Gordon, Forbidden Planet, Ghost in the Shell 3-D, The Incredible Shrinking Man, Judge Dredd, Robocop 3-D, They Live, When Worlds Collide, Brave New World, Chrysalis, Ender's Game, The Forever War, The Graveyard Book, The Hobbit, Hyperion Cantos, Neuromancer, Ubik, End of Eternity, Y: The Last Man, The Avengers, Hiding In Time, Iron Man 2, Thor, First Avenger: Captain America, Justice League: Mortal, Spider-man 4, Witchblade, X-Men Origins: Magneto, Cloverfield 2, Superman: The Man of Steel, Tron 2, Resident Evil 4: Afterlife,... Long list, but you get the picture, right?

So, what does all this mean? Well, unlike others who think that the Vatican is backpedaling on the UFO issue, I believe that they are making great preparations for alien contact or contact of some kind. I will elaborate more on this later, but keep this in mind - sometime last year, the Vatican announced that aliens might exist and Christians should treat them as an "extraterrestrial brother" and part of God's creation. Stunning, no? While you are thinking about that, have a chew on this - the Vatican Church State owns a vast underground vault storing millions of seeds from around the world in Norway called the 'doomsday seed bank' on a remote island near the Arctic Ocean along with Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway. You must understand that the Vatican doctrine is synthesized and aligned with scientific discovery and progress. These discoveries have been used to modify time and laws, which is why the Gregorian calendar was established. The same organization that tried Galileo for saying that the Earth revolved around the Sun in the 17th century controls one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world, the Observatory in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG) also set up shop at the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona. Together with the University of Arizona, they house one of the world's largest and most modern centers for observational astronomy staffed with a small group of professional astronomers and cosmologists, the Vatican Observatory Research Group includes one of the world's largest collections of optical telescopes, called the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope. It is a fact that these scientists are all Jesuits and are working closely with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

If you still haven't made the connection, let me enlighten you further. Firstly, put on your astrology hat. The following is neither novel or original, but fits perfectly here. Jesus Christ is the mythological Sun God of the Vatican Church State. The date of his birth is officially December 25. Now, according to the constellations of the Zodiac, a Great Year spans 25,920 years. A Great Year consists of 12 Ages, therefore each age lasts 2160 years. Follow closely. Now the earth rotates with a wobble called precession, it does not return to the exact point of departure from the previous year. When the sun is at its highest position during the spring equinox, the constellation in its background determines the Age it is in. Therefore Jesus' birth on December 25 two thousand year ago, occurred when the Sun entered Pisces on the Spring Equinox, marking the Age of Pisces, the Age of the Fish. In the Bible, we are told that three wise men following a bright star with 3 gifts for the Savior Child in the Nativity scene. The representation for the three wise men can be found in the Constellation of Orion the Hunter. It has three stars on its belt that aligns with the bright star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky next to our Sun. On December 25, Sirius rises above the horizon in Jerusalem marking the start of the Age of Pisces. The three stars on the belt of Orion points directly towards Sirius, the star of Bethlehem.

Now, what does this have to do with the Vatican Church State. Everything, actually. It is not just the Giza pyramids in Egypt that are geometrically aligned to the Belt of Orion in the Orion constellation, the entire layout of the Vatican City is. As well as to the Pleiades Star System. Completely in essence.

As above, so below.
St. Peter’s Square, when the Pleiades are placed correctly over the Seven Hills of Rome, the Silver Gate resides perfectly East and aligns with the eight-pointed cross on St Peter’s Square. - Jan Wicherink and Aaron Parlier
Further, the image clearly illustrates the close link between the Holy See and the Babylonian Sun God Shamash, seated on the right on the tablet. On this ancient table he holds the symbols or emblems of his authority a staff and ring before three kings. Notice at the center of the altar is a large 4 point sun image. Then have a look at St. Peter's Obelisk in the Sacred Cross Piazza. A obvious match. This symbol is also seen on the Pope's hat. Which means that Papal Rome is Mystery Babylon. And since, freemasonry is the embodiment of the Mystery Babylonian system, therefore the Vatican and freemasonry are inseparable. The Masonic Tracing Board illustrates this fully with its staircase to the Sirius Star System. Symbolic of the DNA connection linking humans to their heavenly progenitors. If that is not enough, check out the Pope's hat, it resembles the fish's head. Symbolic of the Piscean Age. No surprise there. But did you have a close look at Pope Benedict's coat of arms, notice the keys at the top of the image, this is important as the entire Vatican complex is laid out like a key. This not only points to the Sirius as the real Babylonian Sun God, but tells us of our own true lineage - as they were our human ancestors. In my humble opinion, it is becoming quite obvious that the Vatican Church State is a consolidation of the Shemsu Hor (the followers of Horus), the Akeru Aku (Sphinx Masters), and the overall Atlantean/Babylonian/Egytian mythos merged into one religion that encompass Judaism, Christianity, Astrotheology, Druidism, Templarism and Masonry given the obviously synchronized links between Jesus Christ and Horus. Consider the following:
Jesus was the “only begotten son” of the god Yahweh. Horus was the “only begotten son” of the god Osiris. The mother of Jesus was Mary. Sometimes referred to as Maria (Gospel of Mark) or Miriam. The mother of Horus was Meri. The foster father of Jesus was Joseph The foster father of Horus was Jo-Seph The birth of Jesus was heralded by a star in the East (where the Sun rises in the morning) The birth of Horus was heralded by the star Sirius (the morning star) After the birth of Jesus, Herod tried to have him murdered After the birth of Horus, Herut tried to have him murdered Jesus was taken from the desert in Palestine up a high mountain to be tempted by his arch-nemesis Satan. Horus was taken from the desert of Amenta up a high mountain to be tempted by his arch-rival Set. Jesus was known as the Christ (which means “anointed one”) Horus is known as KRST, the anointed one. Jesus is identified with the Tau (cross) Horus was identified with the Tau
There's so much more, including comparisons with other deities like Attis, Krishna, Dionysus and Mythra, or how the Vatican's worship of Mary, the Mother of God synchronize with the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar/Astarte or the Egyptian Goddess Isis of the Sirius Star System and it how it all relates to the Divine Femininity, Goddess Gaia, and the environmental movement. But you get the point. It is interesting to note that Joseph Ratzinger, born on the April 16, 1927 took the title of Pope Benedict XVI (16) considering that he is regarded by several prophetic scholars as the penultimate leader of the Roman Catholic Church and given the fact that the number 17, has been synchromystically linked by the author Christopher Knowles of the Secret Sun with Horus, Isis, Osiris and the Sirius Star System. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Finally, it seems to me that what we in the alternative movement should really be focusing on the root of these events, the esoteric and mystical connections and how they seem to be converging harmonically and synchromystically, as we exit one age and enter another. The Age of Aquarius will be a turning point that fuses all systems of beliefs into one, by ushering entities to fulfill embedded messianic programming from our consciousness. There will be no moment akin to a cosmic big bang, when all will be revealed like a instantaneous blast of countless random thoughts at our cerebral cortex. No, this is a carefully orchestrated plan. We must awake from our amnesia, become keenly aware of the ticking clock, be able to piece together these loose threads and recognize that we are witnessing the emergence of a hidden reality. A ecumenical spirit of convergence that will be the synthesis of all thesis and antithesis, uniting all races, creed and religion under the umbrella of the Babylonian Mystery System. It is the grand purpose of the Vatican and it has been at the heart of the work of its agents like Albert Pike, Adam Weishaupt, Helena P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Lucifer Publishing Company, Benjamin Creme, the Theosophical Society, Aleister Crowley, the United Nations, the Club of Rome, Aspen Institute, the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations, the City of London, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and many others. They are all of the same root. They are all identical. They are the instruments, descendants and keepers of the ancient secrets of the descended beings, the ancient alien astronauts. It is the great work of the ages, a grand illusion and essentially the great deception.

Perhaps, noted historian, lecturer and writer Ralph Epperson said it best:

"The Sun was a symbol of something that only the believers in the religion... understood. These believers,... knew that the people would not accept their mystery religion, so they had to conceal it from them. So the task became one of creating a religion around a belief that they knew the people would accept. Their basic purpose was to create a popular religion as a cover for their secret worship. They would have to keep their beliefs from the people, and conceal their secret worship in hidden symbols... the obelisk stands for the very presence of the Sun God! And the Sun God is LUCIFER!"

In part two of this look at the exopolitical convergence, I will continue to examine the Sirius Star System, consider the rise to power of Barack Obama, the strange happenings in Dubai, the release of the new Terminator movie and the quickening approach of 2012 in an effort to show how technology and messianic themes plays a critical role in understanding the great purpose being worked out here below.

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