Friday, May 9, 2008


Portrait of an Oil-Addicted Former Superpower
How Rising Oil Prices Are Obliterating America's Superpower Status
By Michael T. Klare

Nineteen years ago, the fall of the Berlin Wall effectively eliminated the Soviet Union as the world's other superpower. Yes, the USSR as a political entity stumbled on for another two years, but it was clearly an ex-superpower from the moment it lost control over its satellites in Eastern Europe.

Less than a month ago, the United States similarly lost its claim to superpower status when a barrel crude oil roared past $110 on the international market, gasoline prices crossed the $3.50 threshold at American pumps, and diesel fuel topped $4.00. As was true of the USSR following the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, the USA will no doubt continue to stumble on like the superpower it once was; but as the nation's economy continues to be eviscerated to pay for its daily oil fix, it, too, will be seen by increasing numbers of savvy observers as an ex-superpower-in-the-making.

That the fall of the Berlin Wall spelled the erasure of the Soviet Union's superpower status was obvious to international observers at the time. After all, the USSR visibly ceased to exercise dominion over an empire (and an associated military-industrial complex) encompassing nearly half of Europe and much of Central Asia. The relationship between rising oil prices and the obliteration of America's superpower status is, however, hardly as self-evident. So let's consider the connection.

Dry Hole Superpower

The fact is, America's wealth and power has long rested on the abundance of cheap petroleum. The United States was, for a long time, the world's leading producer of oil, supplying its own needs while generating a healthy surplus for export.

Oil was the basis for the rise of the first giant multinational corporations in the U.S., notably John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company (now reconstituted as Exxon Mobil, the world's wealthiest publicly-traded corporation). Abundant, exceedingly affordable petroleum was also responsible for the emergence of the American automotive and trucking industries, the flourishing of the domestic airline industry, the development of the petrochemical and plastics industries, the suburbanization of America, and the mechanization of its agriculture. Without cheap and abundant oil, the United States would never have experienced the historic economic expansion of the post-World War II era.

No less important was the role of abundant petroleum in fueling the global reach of U.S. military power. For all the talk of America's growing reliance on computers, advanced sensors, and stealth technology to prevail in warfare, it has been oil above all that gave the U.S. military its capacity to "project power" onto distant battlefields like Iraq and Afghanistan. Every Humvee, tank, helicopter, and jet fighter requires its daily ration of petroleum, without which America's technology-driven military would be forced to abandon the battlefield. No surprise, then, that the U.S. Department of Defense is the world's single biggest consumer of petroleum, using more of it every day than the entire nation of Sweden.

From the end of World War II through the height of the Cold War, the U.S. claim to superpower status rested on a vast sea of oil. As long as most of our oil came from domestic sources and the price remained reasonably low, the American economy thrived and the annual cost of deploying vast armies abroad was relatively manageable. But that sea has been shrinking since the 1950s. Domestic oil production reached a peak in 1970 and has been in decline ever since -- with a growing dependency on imported oil as the result. When it came to reliance on imports, the United States crossed the 50% threshold in 1998 and now has passed 65%.

Though few fully realized it, this represented a significant erosion of sovereign independence even before the price of a barrel of crude soared above $110. By now, we are transferring such staggering sums yearly to foreign oil producers, who are using it to gobble up valuable American assets, that, whether we know it or not, we have essentially abandoned our claim to superpowerdom.

According to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Energy, the United States is importing 12-14 million barrels of oil per day. At a current price of about $115 per barrel, that's $1.5 billion per day, or $548 billion per year. This represents the single largest contribution to America's balance-of-payments deficit, and is a leading cause for the dollar's ongoing drop in value. If oil prices rise any higher -- in response, perhaps, to a new crisis in the Middle East (as might be occasioned by U.S. air strikes on Iran) -- our annual import bill could quickly approach three-quarters of a trillion dollars or more per year.

While our economy is being depleted of these funds, at a moment when credit is scarce and economic growth has screeched to a halt, the oil regimes on which we depend for our daily fix are depositing their mountains of accumulating petrodollars in "sovereign wealth funds" (SWFs) -- state-controlled investment accounts that buy up prized foreign assets in order to secure non-oil-dependent sources of wealth. At present, these funds are already believed to hold in excess of several trillion dollars; the richest, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), alone holds $875 billion.

The ADIA first made headlines in November 2007 when it acquired a $7.5 billion stake in Citigroup, America's largest bank holding company. The fund has also made substantial investments in Advanced Micro Systems, a major chip maker, and the Carlyle Group, the private equity giant. Another big SWF, the Kuwait Investment Authority, also acquired a multibillion-dollar stake in Citigroup, along with a $6.6 billion chunk of Merrill Lynch. And these are but the first of a series of major SWF moves that will be aimed at acquiring stakes in top American banks and corporations.

The managers of these funds naturally insist that they have no intention of using their ownership of prime American properties to influence U.S. policy. In time, however, a transfer of economic power of this magnitude cannot help but translate into a transfer of political power as well. Indeed, this prospect has already stirred deep misgivings in Congress. "In the short run, that they [the Middle Eastern SWFs] are investing here is good," Senator Evan Bayh (D-Indiana) recently observed. "But in the long run it is unsustainable. Our power and authority is eroding because of the amounts we are sending abroad for energy…."

No Summer Tax Holiday for the Pentagon

Foreign ownership of key nodes of our economy is only one sign of fading American superpower status. Oil's impact on the military is another.

Every day, the average G.I. in Iraq uses approximately 27 gallons of petroleum-based fuels. With some 160,000 American troops in Iraq, that amounts to 4.37 million gallons in daily oil usage, including gasoline for vans and light vehicles, diesel for trucks and armored vehicles, and aviation fuel for helicopters, drones, and fixed-wing aircraft. With U.S. forces paying, as of late April, an average of $3.23 per gallon for these fuels, the Pentagon is already spending approximately $14 million per day on oil ($98 million per week, $5.1 billion per year) to stay in Iraq. Meanwhile, our Iraqi allies, who are expected to receive a windfall of $70 billion this year from the rising price of their oil exports, charge their citizens $1.36 per gallon for gasoline.

When questioned about why Iraqis are paying almost a third less for oil than American forces in their country, senior Iraqi government officials scoff at any suggestion of impropriety. "America has hardly even begun to repay its debt to Iraq," said Abdul Basit, the head of Iraq's Supreme Board of Audit, an independent body that oversees Iraqi governmental expenditures. "This is an immoral request because we didn't ask them to come to Iraq, and before they came in 2003 we didn't have all these needs."

Needless to say, this is not exactly the way grateful clients are supposed to address superpower patrons. "It's totally unacceptable to me that we are spending tens of billions of dollars on rebuilding Iraq while they are putting tens of billions of dollars in banks around the world from oil revenues," said Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan), chairman of the Armed Services Committee. "It doesn't compute as far as I'm concerned."

Certainly, however, our allies in the region, especially the Sunni kingdoms of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that presumably look to Washington to stabilize Iraq and curb the growing power of Shiite Iran, are willing to help the Pentagon out by supplying U.S. troops with free or deeply-discounted petroleum. No such luck. Except for some partially subsidized oil supplied by Kuwait, all oil-producing U.S. allies in the region charge us the market rate for petroleum. Take that as a striking reflection of how little credence even countries whose ruling elites have traditionally looked to the U.S. for protection now attach to our supposed superpower status.

Think of this as a strikingly clear-eyed assessment of American power. As far as they're concerned, we're now just another of those hopeless oil addicts driving a monster gas-guzzler up to the pump -- and they're perfectly happy to collect our cash which they can then use to cherry-pick our prime assets. So expect no summer tax holidays for the Pentagon, not in the Middle East, anyway.

Worse yet, the U.S. military will need even more oil for the future wars on which the Pentagon is now doing the planning. In this way, the U.S. experience in Iraq has especially worrisome implications. Under the military "transformation" initiated by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in 2001, the future U.S. war machine will rely less on "boots on the ground" and ever more on technology. But technology entails an ever-greater requirement for oil, as the newer weapons sought by Rumsfeld (and now Secretary of Defense Robert Gates) all consume many times more fuel than those they will replace. To put this in perspective: The average G.I in Iraq now uses about seven times as much oil per day as G.I.s did in the first Gulf War less than two decades ago. And every sign indicates that the same ratio of increase will apply to coming conflicts; that the daily cost of fighting will skyrocket; and that the Pentagon's capacity to shoulder multiple foreign military burdens will unravel. Thus are superpowers undone.

Russia's Gusher

If anything demonstrates the critical role of oil in determining the fate of superpowers in the current milieu, it is the spectacular reemergence of Russia as a Great Power on the basis of its superior energy balance. Once derided as the humiliated, enfeebled loser in the U.S.-Soviet rivalry, Russia is again a force to be reckoned with in world affairs. It possesses the fastest-growing economy among the G-8 group of major industrial powers, is the world's second leading producer of oil (after Saudi Arabia), and is its top producer of natural gas. Because it produces far more energy than it consumes, Russia exports a substantial portion of its oil and gas to neighboring countries, making it the only Great Power not dependent on other states for its energy needs.

As Russia has become an energy-exporting state, it has moved from the list of has-beens to the front rank of major players. When President Bush first occupied the White House, in February 2001, one of his highest priorities was to downgrade U.S. ties with Russia and annul the various arms-control agreements that had been forged between the two countries by his predecessors, agreements that explicitly conferred equal status on the USA and the USSR.

As an indication of how contemptuously the Bush team viewed Russia at that time, Condoleezza Rice, while still an adviser to the Bush presidential campaign, wrote, in the January/February 2000 issue of the influential Foreign Affairs, "U.S. policy… must recognize that American security is threatened less by Russia's strength than by its weakness and incoherence." Under such circumstances, she continued, there was no need to preserve obsolete relics of the dual superpower past like the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty; rather, the focus of U.S. efforts should be on preventing the further erosion of Russian nuclear safeguards and the potential escape of nuclear materials.

In line with this outlook, President Bush believed that he could convert an impoverished and compliant Russia into a major source of oil and natural gas for the United States -- with American energy companies running the show. This was the evident aim of the U.S.-Russian "energy dialogue" announced by Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin in May 2002. But if Bush thought Russia was prepared to turn into a northern version of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela prior to the arrival of Hugo Chávez, he was to be sorely disappointed. Putin never permitted American firms to acquire substantial energy assets in Russia. Instead, he presided over a major recentralization of state control when it came to the country's most valuable oil and gas reserves, putting most of them in the hands of Gazprom, the state-controlled natural gas behemoth.

Once in control of these assets, moreover, Putin has used his renascent energy power to exert influence over states that were once part of the former Soviet Union, as well as those in Western Europe that rely on Russian oil and gas for a substantial share of their energy needs. In the most extreme case, Moscow turned off the flow of natural gas to Ukraine on January 1, 2006, in the midst of an especially cold winter, in what was said to be a dispute over pricing but was widely viewed as punishment for Ukraine's political drift westwards. (The gas was turned back on four days later when Ukraine agreed to pay a higher price and offered other concessions.) Gazprom has threatened similar action in disputes with Armenia, Belarus, and Georgia -- in each case forcing those former Soviet SSRs to back down.

When it comes to the U.S.-Russian relationship, just how much the balance of power has shifted was evident at the NATO summit at Bucharest in early April. There, President Bush asked that Georgia and Ukraine both be approved for eventual membership in the alliance, only to find top U.S. allies (and Russian energy users) France and Germany blocking the measure out of concern for straining ties with Russia. "It was a remarkable rejection of American policy in an alliance normally dominated by Washington," Steven Erlanger and Steven Lee Myers of the New York Times reported, "and it sent a confusing signal to Russia, one that some countries considered close to appeasement of Moscow."

For Russian officials, however, the restoration of their country's great power status is not the product of deceit or bullying, but a natural consequence of being the world's leading energy provider. No one is more aware of this than Dmitri Medvedev, the former Chairman of Gazprom and new Russian president. "The attitude toward Russia in the world is different now," he declared on December 11, 2007. "We are not being lectured like schoolchildren; we are respected and we are deferred to. PORussia has reclaimed its proper place in the world community. Russia has become a different country, stronger and more prosperous."

The same, of course, can be said about the United States -- in reverse. As a result of our addiction to increasingly costly imported oil, we have become a different country, weaker and less prosperous. Whether we know it or not, the energy Berlin Wall has already fallen and the United States is an ex-superpower-in-the-making.

Michael Klare is a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and author of the just-released Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy (Metropolitan Books). A documentary film based on his previous book, Blood and Oil, is available from the Media Education Foundation and can be ordered at A brief video of Klare discussing key subjects in his new book can be viewed by clicking here.

Thursday, May 8, 2008




A human rights crime

The world must stop standing idle while the people of Gaza are treated with such cruelty

* Jimmy Carter
* The Guardian,
* Thursday May 8 2008

This article appeared in the Guardian on Thursday May 08 2008 on p28 of the Comment & debate section. It was last updated at 00:13 on May 08 2008.

The world is witnessing a terrible human rights crime in Gaza, where a million and a half human beings are being imprisoned with almost no access to the outside world. An entire population is being brutally punished.

This gross mistreatment of the Palestinians in Gaza was escalated dramatically by Israel, with United States backing, after political candidates representing Hamas won a majority of seats in the Palestinian Authority parliament in 2006. The election was unanimously judged to be honest and fair by all international observers.

Israel and the US refused to accept the right of Palestinians to form a unity government with Hamas and Fatah and now, after internal strife, Hamas alone controls Gaza. Forty-one of the 43 victorious Hamas candidates who lived in the West Bank have been imprisoned by Israel, plus an additional 10 who assumed positions in the short-lived coalition cabinet.

Regardless of one's choice in the partisan struggle between Fatah and Hamas within occupied Palestine, we must remember that economic sanctions and restrictions on the supply of water, food, electricity and fuel are causing extreme hardship among the innocent people in Gaza, about one million of whom are refugees.

Israeli bombs and missiles periodically strike the area, causing high casualties among both militants and innocent women and children. Prior to the highly publicised killing of a woman and her four children last week, this pattern had been illustrated by a report from B'Tselem, the leading Israeli human rights organisation, which stated that 106 Palestinians were killed between February 27 and March 3. Fifty-four of them were civilians, and 25 were under 18 years of age.

On a recent trip through the Middle East, I attempted to gain a better understanding of the crisis. One of my visits was to Sderot, a community of about 20,000 in southern Israel that is frequently struck by rockets fired from nearby Gaza. I condemned these attacks as abominable acts of terrorism, since most of the 13 victims during the past seven years have been non-combatants.

Subsequently, I met with leaders of Hamas - a delegation from Gaza and the top officials in Damascus. I made the same condemnation to them, and urged that they declare a unilateral ceasefire or orchestrate with Israel a mutual agreement to terminate all military action in and around Gaza for an extended period.

They responded that such action by them in the past had not been reciprocated, and they reminded me that Hamas had previously insisted on a ceasefire throughout Palestine, including Gaza and the West Bank, which Israel had refused. Hamas then made a public proposal of a mutual ceasefire restricted to Gaza, which the Israelis also rejected.

There are fervent arguments heard on both sides concerning blame for a lack of peace in the Holy Land. Israel has occupied and colonised the Palestinian West Bank, which is approximately a quarter the size of the nation of Israel as recognised by the international community. Some Israeli religious factions claim a right to the land on both sides of the Jordan river, others that their 205 settlements of some 500,000 people are necessary for "security".

All Arab nations have agreed to recognise Israel fully if it will comply with key United Nations resolutions. Hamas has agreed to accept any negotiated peace settlement between the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and Israel's prime minister, Ehud Olmert, provided it is approved in a referendum of the Palestinian people.

This holds promise of progress, but despite the brief fanfare and positive statements at the peace conference last November in Annapolis, the process has gone backwards. Nine thousand new Israeli housing units have been announced in Palestine; the number of roadblocks within the West Bank has increased; and the stranglehold on Gaza has been tightened.

It is one thing for other leaders to defer to the US in the crucial peace negotiations, but the world must not stand idle while innocent people are treated cruelly. It is time for strong voices in Europe, the US, Israel and elsewhere to speak out and condemn the human rights tragedy that has befallen the Palestinian people.

· Jimmy Carter, a former president of the United States, is founder of The Carter Center



May 6, 2008—After 9,000 years of silence, Chile's Chaitén volcano (pictured on May 3) is erupting with lava, ash—and lightning (full story).

Since the volcano awoke on May 2, it has continued erupting intermittently, blanketing the area in ash and forcing more than 4,000 people to flee.

(Related photos: "Chile Volcano Threatens Animals, Farms.")

The mingling of lightning and ash seen above may be a "dirty thunderstorm."

The little-understood storms may be sparked when rock fragments, ash, and ice particles in the plume collide to produce static charges—just as ice particles collide to create charge in regular thunderstorms. (More: "Volcanic Lightning Sparked by 'Dirty Thunderstorms,' Study Finds" [February, 2, 2007].)

Repeating History: They Wanted King to Shut Up Too

*I refuse to live my life tip toeing around as to avoid making people feel uncomfortable when it comes to race, class, and America’s memory problem when it comes to Blacks.

As I said before, the white man’s burden is not the Black man’s responsibility.

There’s a reason why in school we were taught about Martin Luther King and not so much about Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey.

Some Black people speak the truth in a manner that frightens others who just can’t handle it and see it as threatening and will do anything to silence it in an effort to preserve the status quo to keep doing business as usual.

Almost similar to the reality perceived by humans in the film the “Matrix,” where a simulated reality was created in order to pacify and subdue the human population while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Yes, our denial and downright fear about race and class in America has been and is currently being used to the advantage to others

And to be honest some Black folks can’t handle the truth either. We like to call that Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary’s theory that explains the etiology of many of the adaptive survival behaviors in African-American Communities throughout the United states and the Diaspora.

You see you got your kumbaya hand holding folks who talk a good game in front of the cameras and then you got those folks that just speak the truth, no holds barred 24/7.

Enter Dr. Jeremiah Wright.

Black America, in particular Senator Barack Obama supporters, are fearful that while even though they agree with much of what he’s said, that he’s going to somehow ruin it for Obama.

This caused me to ask myself as an Obama supporter, what’s more important---this country finally addressing its issues with race and class or getting Obama the Democratic nomination?

The reality of the situation is that Obama could be elected President of these United States tomorrow, but there would be no guarantee that America’s race and class issues would get any better. In fact, I could see it getting worse, as some Americans are operating under the belief that by voting for Obama America has somehow transcended race issues. The lies we tell ourselves.

While I want to see Obama ascend to the Democratic nomination and eventually the presidency, his candidacy doesn’t supercede the quest for racial justice for African-Americans. America’s race and class issues have gone on for far too long unresolved and allowed to fester and brew making the way for the feelings that many Blacks harbor today towards the government and whites. Make no mistake. All of the recent stories of blackface on college campuses, nooses in the workplace, and justice denied as in the Sean Bell case, aren’t new phenomenon’s. Similar incidents have been going on for years without media attention and in some cases the attention of famed Black activists, it’s only because race has once again been moved to the front burner that you hear and see more of it in your daily newscast.

Back in the day significant members of the Black church including the National Baptist Convention led by Dr. J.H. Jackson in the 50’s vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Movement and didn’t want progressive ministers like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to rock the boat and have any confrontations with the government. Today we are seeing a repeat of the past with calls for Dr. Wright to “shut up” before he messes it up for Obama.

I want Obama to be president just as much as the people calling for Dr. Wright’s silence, but I draw the line at somehow suggesting that Dr. Wright’s speaking the truth is less important. America needs to hear the truth, both white America and Black America. And while I think Obama would make a fine president, I am not pinning all of my hopes on him to fix America’s issues with race and class. Only we the people can do that, and we do that by speaking up and speaking out about. It’s always the right time to speak about race and America’s politics.

Obama did exactly what I expected him to do last week. Probably on the advice of his campaign advisors, he distanced himself even further from Wright after a string of public appearance by his former pastor. Did it upset me to see him pandering to the voters by denouncing a man that dared to speak the truth on race? You bet it did. But I understand why he had to do it, I don’t agree with it, but I understand it. Is that going to make me take down my Obama signs out of my window and my custom made “Obama Mama” clinger on my car, not a chance. I’m disappointed, not crazy.

Because of the criticism that Dr. King faced from his own people his activism, he created the Southern Christian Leadership Conference along with Los Angeles ministers Reverend James Lawson and the late Dr. Thomas Kilgore, pushing forward with his fight for equality, a fight that today has greatly benefited those that opposed him in the beginning.

To that end, I am happy that Dr. Wright hasn’t censored himself and caved in to calls for him to disappear somewhere. We need voices like Dr. Wright’s.

Let’s be real, while there are a plethora of Black activists, there are very few that dare to really rock the boat. Even fewer that would risk losing their corporate sponsorships by saying “God damn America.”

To me, Dr. Wright represents the type of voice that we need, and quite frankly have been lacking, speaking up for Blacks. You know, the kind of voice that hasn’t been bought off with lavish corporate sponsorships of annual conferences and birthday parties. The voice of reason that has nothing to lose by speaking freely and openly about America’s denial of their issues with race as it relates to Blacks.

Dr. Wright embodies the late Shirley Chisholm’s slogan, unbought and unbossed. No amount of negative publicity is going to make him distance himself from his people or deny what he knows to be true.

My man, Dr. Wright!

And while all of America’s attention via the media has been on Dr. Wright’s comments, what about right-wing conservative Pat Buchanan’s A Brief for Whitey? And I quote, “First, America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American. I don’t think that it’s a mistake that Buchanan’s comments went relatively overlooked by the mainstream media while Wright’s comments were repeatedly over sensationalized.

Pat Buchanan’s comments are exactly the reason why Black people need to address the atrocities committed against us and not leave it to others to rewrite our history. If we don't, we get ludicrous statements like the one above which we all know is about as far from reality as Senator Hillary Clinton dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.

But because he felt comfortable enough in his “whiteness” to say it is what really bothers me and just further illustrates how our struggle for liberation and equality continues to be minimized to the benefit of the very people who are responsible for our current state.

We are at a point in a time where our actions are going to dictate whether it’s business as usual as it relates to race or class or whether we address it head on, the good, the bad, and the ugly. The way I see it, Obama being the good, Pat Buchanan the bad, and Dr. Wright the ugly---each of them has had a roll to play. Obama gave us hope for the future, Pat Buchanan gave us reality, while Dr. Wright gave us the truth.

We’ve got to stop letting the mainstream media and reports of Senator Clinton surging ahead in polls, that we don’t know even know to be true, pull our strings making us turn on each other. That’s how they keep us distracted, how we keep ourselves down and the last time I checked, no suckers lived here.

Instead of trying to silence the truth, we should be embracing it while using it to change reality into the hope for the future that we see in Obama.

Come tomorrow, no matter who wins or loses in Indiana and North Carolina, it won’t be because of Dr. Wright. It’ll be because of ourselves and what we choose to buy into…or not.

Speak on Dr. Wright, speak on!

At 30, Jasmyne Cannick is a critic and commentator based in Los Angeles who writes about the worlds of pop culture, race, class, sexuality, and politics as it relates to the African-American community. A regular contributor to NPR’s ‘News and Notes,’ she was chosen as one Essence Magazine’s 25 Women Shaping the World. She can be reached at or



" ... the media and the political elite all seemed extraordinarily determined to put a cap on how much information the case revealed ... "

Also see: "DC Madam Dead: Military Women Worked for Palfrey/Political Impact Upon Louisiana's David Vitter?"

New York Times: " ... The 'isn’t it a pity' theme frequently contrasts the heavy price paid by Ms. Palfrey and the women who worked for her — the life-wrecking, highly publicized prosecution that led to Ms. Palfrey’s conviction last month on racketeering and money-laundering charges (though notably, not for anything directly to do with paid sex) — with the light-to-nonexistent consequences suffered by most of the “johns” who patronized her escort service. Maddy Sauer of ABC News addressed the disparity today in a blog post, as did Monica Hesse in The Washington Post; reporting by her colleague Dana Millbank highlighted it during the trial last month. ... Back to the dead-women-tell-no-tales story line: It seems to be widely taken for granted that Ms. Palfrey had more, bigger, juicier names to name than the handful of prominent customers who have surfaced — Senator David Vitter, Republican of Louisiana, who has clung to office; Randall L. Tobias, who had to resign his senior State Department post but who soft-landed as head of the Indianapolis Airport Authority; and Harlan Ullman, a top military strategist who advised the Bush Administration. ... " - "Skepticism and Sadness After Death of ‘D.C. Madam’," May 2, 2008
" ... You add up the little pieces and it is clear that something much bigger than prostitution was involved. ... " reports the Palfry's was:


FEW DEATHS could cause as much relief in Washington as did the alleged suicide of DC Madam Deborah Jean Palfrey. One need only consider the rapid demise of Governor Eliot Spitzer after it was discovered he had used a similar escort service to realize that Palfrey was not welcomed by many of the capital's powerful men as a living repository of their sexual habits.

We are not speaking of a small number. Palfrey estimated her business involved some 10,000 clients - most in and around the most powerful city in America.

This is not to say that Palfrey did not commit suicide, only that her name may be reasonably added to those whose cause of death can not be - and may never be - firmly determined. ...

What we do know about Palfrey is that her operation had some 10,000 male clients, and not one has been subject to legal prosecution. Two of the women involved, Jean Palfrey and Brandy Britton, both allegedly committed suicide and both by hanging. Palfrey indicated she didn't know whether Britton killed herself, saying, "There are many, many family members who say this was not the case." When radio host Alex Jones said to Palfrey in 2007, "And you're not planning to commit suicide," Palfrey responded, "And I'm not planning to commit suicide."

There is no apparent logic for the massive legal assault on Palfrey. In fact, prostitution isn't even a federal crime; she was charged under federal racketeering law. When her house was raided a year and a half ago, the swat squad went through everything but curiously ignored 46 boxes of information about her clients. Interestingly also, the attack began in earnest immediately after Palfrey had put her house on the market, closed her business, and transferred some money to Germany where she planned to retire. In fact, she was in Germany when US postal inspectors, pretending to be home buyers, illegally sought entrance into her house from a realtor without a warrant.

You add up the little pieces and it is clear that something much bigger than prostitution was involved. Was Palfrey being threatened because she had, in effect, decided to leave the mob taking along her many tales? Was she a bit player in some much larger blackmail operation? And did she end her life or did someone do it for her?

Our approach to such matters is to treat them as open cases. We do not presume a conspiracy, but neither do we accept the establishment's approach of rushing to the conclusion most comfortable to itself. In this case, for example, there are some 10,000 members of the establishment with a vested interest in not examining the evidence too much.

We do know that the Palfrey case was one of the strangest prosecutions the capital has ever seen. Judges, prosecutors, the media and the political elite all seemed extraordinarily determined to put a cap on how much information the case revealed. So far, they have been quite successful.

AP The body of Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found in a shed near her mother's home about 20 miles northwest of Tampa. Police said the 52-year-old Palfrey left at least two suicide notes and other writings to her family in a notebook, but they did not disclose their contents. Palfrey apparently hanged herself with nylon rope from the shed's ceiling. Her mother discovered the body. . . Blanche Palfrey had no sign that her daughter was suicidal, and there was no immediate indication that alcohol or drugs were involved, police Capt. Jeffrey Young said. . .

"I am sure as heck am not going to be going to federal prison for one day, let alone, you know, four to eight years here, because I'm shy about bringing in the deputy secretary of whatever," Palfrey told ABC last year when she released phone records that revealed some of her clients. "Not for a second. I'll bring every last one of them in if necessary."

Dan Moldea, a Washington writer who befriended Palfrey while considering writing a book about her, said she was cautiously optimistic about her trial, even when the case went before the jury. After the conviction, Moldea sent her an e-mail but didn't hear back. A week later, he said, he sent another note entitled "A Concerned Friend" asking whether she was OK. Again, he didn't hear back. After hearing of her death, he recalled a conversation over dinner last year when the subject of prison came up. "She said, 'I am not going back to prison. I will commit suicide first,'" Moldea said.

TIME Palfrey contacted Moldea last year to provide her help writing a book. "She had done time once before [for prostitution]," Moldea recalls. "And it damn near killed her. She said there was enormous stress - it made her sick, she couldn't take it, and she wasn't going to let that happen to her again." . . .

When a former employee of Palfrey's, Brandy Britton, hanged herself before going to trial, Palfrey told the press, "I guess I'm made of something that Brandy Britton wasn't made of."


Wednesday, May 7, 2008





By Greg Evensen

May 4, 2008

Hyperbole is not something I engage in for shock value alone and it is definitely not something I enjoy contemplating while discussing our national state of affairs. However, it is becoming more and more commonplace in discussions that deal with the United States and its immediate future.

If, as casual readers of current events, you have become aware of the escalating sense of urgency, with the impending multiple world crises, then you are most likely comprehending the current history making events as they unfold. Wars and rumors of war, pestilence, mysterious shakings in the heavens, earthquakes, AND now the ravages of world-wide famine are occurring around us at this very moment. Does this announce the Biblical introduction of the “end times?” I cannot answer that. I am not qualified to assess those prophesized events from a theological perspective. I can tell you from a military frame of mind, a common sense evaluation and a law enforcement point of view, that these days are like riding on a wild cat’s ass, and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

I have been sounding the call for your total commitment and preparation as one crises leads to another. I have laid out before you the need to store food, water, natural medicines, weapons, rugged winter clothing, extra tools and hardware. I have suggested geographical locations and travel routes to many of you who just couldn’t quite figure it out. Further, I have warned you of shortages of fuels, bulk foods and ammunition. The message has been loud and clear. I know also that it has been easier to shove all this aside and get on with other, simpler things. Simple times are over.

Many of my fellow journalists have continued to spell out the why’s and how’s in articulate factual ways. They have contributed to the true history of the opening years of the twenty-first century. You have had all the information you need to do the right thing, the justifiable thing and the necessary thing in a timely and efficient manner, as I have said many times. Tens of thousands have heeded the call. Millions have not. Tens of thousands will make it through this coming “tribulation” (whether Biblical or not) and millions will not. Men, women and children will gather together in impromptu back woods camps, working, helping, guarding, hunting, fishing, planning and praying their way through what lies ahead.

Millions will be in abject terror as the most evil among us pound at the door and break in the windows of cities and suburbia. And all of this just a stone’s throw from the soccer field where the Friday before, time and effort was spent on what you thought were the most important moments in all of one’s life. Does it matter now? Did it really matter then?

We will look back after the final plunge into oblivion begins with trucks stopping along the highway. Trucks hauling the supplies we take for granted. No more money, no more $4.50 diesel fuel, and no more patience with a government more intent on controlling your lives than working toward a secure America with a prosperous, energy independent and debt free nation under their wheels.

Police agencies and military units are training around the clock every day of every week across the land in preparation for riots, confiscations and detentions on a scale never before contemplated. Communications will be controlled, then severed, as the government and the military begin a “black-out” that will erase the final “freedom” that Americans have enjoyed through the use of cell phones and the internet. This will be so they can implement their battle plans without your knowing of it or being able to sound the alarm. We will be as isolated and vulnerable as any people anywhere on earth. That descent into utter darkness will put the last nail on the coffin of freedom as surely as though the founders had been put to the wall and executed. We are staring with blind eyes into the void of our own making. We have played soccer while the thieves stole our home towns. The damage is done. We have opened the doors to our refuge and found it bare.


So, is there any hope at all? Is there something you can cling to that allows this movie to have a happy ending? That is entirely up to each of you. The “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” are out there---somewhere---but riding toward us with the speed of the wind that is for sure. That you must accept and believe. If you do, then perhaps you will yet do what you should have done so many months and years ago to survive this disaster.

I refuse to set timetables for the obvious reason. I do not have a web-cam in to the Heavenly realm and can not make those kinds of heart-stopping predictions. I can only view what is available to all of us and draw the obvious, commonsense conclusions. Our freedoms are almost gone. The government is on the fast track to surrendering our nation to the interests that have sought for centuries to rule us and the world. Presidents, businessmen, Congress, diplomats, military general staffs and bankers, oilmen, and false religious leaders have conspired to give our liberty and destiny to Satan himself. The legions of demonically inspired and driven men and women who have fought for leadership in this effort are well known to us and carry the names of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Solomon, Loeb, Illuminati, The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburgs, Trilateralists, Greenspan, Bush, Gore, Clinton, Obama, McCain, Schumer, Kennedy, Reid, Gingrich, Pelosi, Cheney, Elizabeth II, Putin, Ahdaminejad, Hussein, Hitler, Mao, Marxist/Atheist Israeli’s, Stalin, Lenin, apostate Christian ministers, Imams of all sects, Castro, Chavez, Genghis Kahn, Caesar, Pilate, Ramses and Cain.

We are invaded by Mexican communists, ruled in the big city streets by gangs as ruthless as the Nazi SS, and they are allowed to control the drugs and the streets by city governments too weak and cowardly to do anything about it or to even really care.

Our churches are small, cornered and quiet, or, large happy pill places that neither condemn sin nor recognize the Savior. Make believe ministers like Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton pretend to speak for their followers while chasing stardom and money that is their true god and their real goal in life. Life long politicians mentioned above like Schumer, Kennedy, Pelosi, Kerry, and Cheney are addicted to TV cameras. They have pushed their way into the spotlight to force “popular” power decisions on the nation through their nauseating tripe that disarms America, and orchestrates the daily obscene intrusions into our citizen’s lives. All of this is “authorized” by the “Patriot Act” and its fascist internal apparatus called “Homeland Security.” We need to eliminate all of this and the hundreds of billions wasted on its tyrannical laws.

I have never advocated disengaging our work to change America. I know that many times, my message has seemed overly pessimistic and highly discouraging. That’s because it is! However, any good Army Sgt. or sports coach will tell you that when the team is behind or the platoon surrounded, it is then that courage, discipline, hard work and the absolute commitment to victory is the ONLY thing that matters. The bleakest moments can herald the brightest dawn. The ultimate outcome depends entirely upon you.

To defeat Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, civic groups have had to undo and eliminate the local decisions that were implemented without truth, disclosures or citizen input. It was excruciatingly difficult, but many have prevailed. Electing contract minded and constitutionally literate officials has been an ongoing struggle for communities and voting districts that have seen only limited success to this date. More work needs to be done. More effort must be undertaken to assure victory. Careful use of available resources is required if you to not run out of “ammo.” Yes, success can be attained, but this is not a thirty minute stretch of a television sitcom. This is real. The effects are real and the ultimate destiny of a nation rests on your strength, courage and determination.

The “enemies” have had generations, indeed, centuries to unfold their plans. Many of their most devoted “visionaries” died years ago without seeing the ultimate victory. They did not quit. Their fight against us continues with added soldiers sinking millions into the fight for who wins, who controls it all.

Famine, the word not heard here for years, nor even in most other worldly places for several decades, is once again at the door. Failed genetic engineering, continued drought, and unexpected late freezes in Kansas, are some of the reasons, the surplus is gone. Countries are closing their ports and borders trying to safeguard dwindling supplies. The gutless, ineffective and failed UN has entered the scene with no plan but to take from the rich and give to the oppressed. The hated United States is being pressured to step up to the plate by a greedy and ungrateful world. Granted, the US has soiled its own mess-kit in many places, but we don’t have it to give, either.

Supplies of rice, wheat, wheat products, some canned vegetables and fruit are in extremely short supply or subject to market forces shooting prices up across the board. Nudging everything along with the grace of a bulldozer is of course big oil. The convergence of the forces of disaster has finally come into view. The drumbeat of spiritual horse’s hooves are clearly being felt and heard by the astute. I pray that you are among those with ears to hear that which God himself has under His control.

Don’t give up. Don’t quit. Keep doing what you do best and stay engaged. Just work toward self-sufficiency and personal freedom. My Saturday, Noon to 2pmCDT radio show, “Voices from the Heartland” on the Republic Broadcasting Network, is leading in this specific area of discussion. My website is working to greatly expand our ability to service all who regularly visit there. It is not for personal gain, but to open new doors for networking and to use multi-levels of communication. We hope to see this completed in the next month or so.

May I say it one more time? Gather in your supplies, look after the less fortunate, and care for the widows and orphans. Get your family plans in order. Time is so short.

“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

© 2008 Greg Evensen - All Rights Reserve

Tuesday, May 6, 2008





Dear Rosa Brooks:

I read your piece "Jeremiah's jeremiad" in today's LA Times......surely you must know there is some evidence that AIDS is a man-made can simply Google: "man-made AIDS" or "AIDS genocide" .......and read all about it. You must have come across something when researching the Rand stats on African- American beliefs you presented in the op-ed piece.

In this instance, it is obvious to me that black people are a lot smarter than white people. Based on the Tuskegee experiment (which you noted) for starters, blacks have paid more attention to what has been written about man-made AIDS -- and they take the theory more seriously .....I know that Rev. Wright has read books/articles on the subject -- and I assume Obama and Hillary haven't -- otherwise they would not be so "outraged." Or are they just being "politically correct" ???

As you know, the quarter-century-old "AIDS is man-made" theory has NEVER been seriously explored in the major media and is a TABOO subject to this day. Rev. Wright has done the WORLD a big favor by again putting the idea onto the front-page of newspapers around the if only the media would do more than merely dismiss the issue as "paranoia" and "conspiracy theory".

If you are unfamiliar with the evidence supporting the man-made theory of AIDS, please do some investigating and reporting on it. And if you care to take the time to read a recent piece of mine on the subject (which I have been writing about for 20 years), I have attached it below.

Alan Cantwell M.D.
Hollywood, CA

Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Is Right About
Man-Made AIDS
By Alan Cantwell, MD
c. 2008 - All Rights Reserved

On March, 14, 2008, many Americans were infuriated by the airing of highly inflammatory video clips from various sermons by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. TV viewers heard the preacher saying that the U.S. government created AIDS as a genocide program against blacks - and watched him declaring "God damn America!"

As a spiritual advisor to Barack Obama, Wright's inflammatory rhetoric threatened to derail Obama's race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Wright, retiring at age 65, had served as pastor of the Trinity United Church in Chicago's Southside, where Obama had been a parishioner for 20 years. Obama quickly distanced himself from Wright's remarks, but refused to denounce him.

Is Reverend Wright a patriotic American?

As usual, the media quickly denounced his AIDS accusations as "conspiracy theory." This despite the fact that half of African- Americans polled believe AIDS could have been man-made. Although the media came down hard on Wright, he cannot be simply dismissed as a deluded and unpatriotic American. At age 20 in 1961, he interrupted his college studies to serve in the Marines. According to the Chicago Tribune (April 3, 2008), after completing two years of service in the Marines in 1963, he volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. He did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility at Bethesda Naval Hospital, he was a member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery. For his service on the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three letters of commendation. After leaving the service, Wright finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained as a minister, and eventually became pastor of Trinity, where he served for 36 years.

The Tribune concluded: Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the retiring pastor of Trinity, has been in the news for comments he has made over the last three decades. Since these comments became public we have heard criticisms, condemnations, denouncements and rejections of his comments and him. We've seen on television, in a seemingly endless loop, sound bites of a select few of Rev. Wright's many sermons. Some of his comments are inexcusable and inappropriate and should be condemned, but in calling him "unpatriotic," let us not forget that this is a man who gave up six of the most productive years of his life to serve his country. While words do count, so do actions. Let us not forget that, for whatever Rev. Wright may have said over the last 30 years, he has demonstrated his patriotism.

The hepatitis B vaccine origin of AIDS

For more than two decades, I have written extensively about AIDS as a man-made disease and as a covert genocide program. In that respect I totally agree with Rev. Wright, and I will attempt to present here some very sketchy history of how HIV/AIDS originated in America, starting in 1978, when government scientists began to experiment on young, primarily white, healthy gay and bisexual men in Manhattan, as part of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials, which continued in various cities up to the year 1981 when the AIDS epidemic became "official". (For the full details of man- made AIDS, please refer to my books AIDS & The Doctors of Death, and Queer Blood, and to my many articles on the subject, which can be easily found on Google (type-in: "alan cantwell" + AIDS)

The groundwork for the experiment began in 1973 when The Gay Men's Health Project in Manhattan provided blood samples for hepatitis B testing at The New York City Blood Center. The results were astonishing! One out of every two gay blood samples were positive. By contrast, only 5% of the blood samples from straights were positive.

Developed at the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research at West Point, Pennsylvania, the first crude experimental vaccine was tested in chimpanzees, the only animal susceptible to the human hepatitis B virus. Later, the vaccine was tried on a small group of retarded children.

When the experimental vaccine was ready to be more widely tested in humans, several "high risk" groups were considered. These included male homosexuals, drug addicts, mentally deficient adults, Chinese- Americans, indigenous Alaskans, and patients and medical staff of kidney dialysis centers. After much debate, it was decided that young promiscuous gay men would be the best group to test the efficiency of the vaccine.

Wolf Szmuness and the New York Blood Center

Wolf Szmuness, a Polish physician trained in the Soviet Union, was placed in charge of the hepatitis B vaccine trial at the NY Blood Center. Szmuness, a Jew born in Poland in 1919, was a young medical student in eastern Poland when the Nazis invaded the country in the summer of 1939. When Poland was partitioned by Germany and Russia, Szmuness was sent to Siberia as a political prisoner. His entire family in western Poland was murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust. His years in exile in Siberia were "a long dark period that he was most reluctant to talk about."

June Goodfield in Quest for the Killers, provides the definitive account of the gay hepatitis experiment. During confinement in Siberia Szmuness was repeatedly interrogated and beaten by the Russian KGB for refusing to cooperate in spy activities. After release from detention in 1946 he was allowed to finish his medical education in Tomsk in central Russia. While a student, he married a Russian woman. He specialized in epidemiology, and when his wife contracted a nearly fatal case of hepatitis, he decided to dedicate his life to the study of this liver disease.

In 1959 the Soviets allowed Szmuness, and his wife and daughter, to return to Poland where he worked as an epidemiologist in the health department. There are conflicting reports of how Szmuness came to America. According to Aaron Kellner, the founder of the NY Blood Center, the Communists allowed Szmuness and his family to attend a scientific meeting in Italy in 1969. While there, they defected to the West. Allan Chase, author of Magic Shots, claims Szmuness was driven out of Poland in a 1968 Communist purge of the few remaining Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. Goodfield writes that Polish anti-Semitism cost Szmuness his job, resulting in his applying for a visa which eventually enabled him to get out of Poland legally. From Rome the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society arranged for the family to come to the U.S.

Szmuness arrived in Manhattan with $15 in his pocket. Through the intervention of Walsh McDermott, Professor of Public Health at New York Hospital, Szmuness was fortunate enough to secure a position as a lab technician at the New York City Blood Center. Within a few years he was given his own lab, and a separate department of epidemiology at the Center was created for him. In record time he was appointed Professor at the Columbia School of Public Health.

By the mid-1970s he was a world authority on hepatitis. In another startling occurrence, Szmuness was invited back to Moscow in 1975 to give a scientific presentation. As a defector he was terrified to set foot in the Soviet Union, and memories of KGB torture and interrogation still plagued him. However, his colleagues assured him he would have the full protection of the U.S. State Department. His return to Russia was a scientific triumph. By the late 1970s he had been awarded millions of dollars in grant money and was fully prepared to undertake the most important mission of his life: the hepatitis B vaccine experiment.

First, Szmuness became acquainted with the gay community, and added homosexual physicians and activists to his staff. He was taken into the gay ghetto where he viewed the baths, bars and discos. Promiscuous homosexuals were perfect guinea pigs. They would prove, beyond doubt, that Szmuness could wipe hepatitis B off the face of the earth.

Tarketing gay men for the vaccine experiment

In the late 1970s a bloodmobile began canvassing the gay neighborhood in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan, looking for homosexual volunteers. Over ten thousand men signed up and donated blood samples for Szmuness' upcoming experiment. (These stored donated blood specimens would eventually provide data regarding the spread of HIV/AIDS into the gay community.)

Szmuness was highly selective in the men he chose as finalists. He required that the men be highly promiscuous. In fact, the more promiscuous the better. He was testing a vaccine against a sexually- transmitted virus. Therefore, he didn't want any monogamous men, or men with lovers, in his experiment. He also wanted men who were healthy, young, responsible, intelligent, and preferably white. Promiscuous bisexuals were acceptable, but heterosexual men were excluded from the experiment. The men had to have an address and a phone number, and be willing to provide blood samples over a long period of time.

The hepatitis experiment was costly, and Szmuness didn't want any uncooperative or hard-to-find gays messing up his experiment. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, were all involved in the study, as well as big pharmaceutical companies, such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme Inc., and Abbott Laboratories.

In preliminary experiments, Szmuness first tested his vaccine in chimpanzees. He then tested two hundred human volunteers, presumably gay men, by inoculating them with the vaccine. In the months before the official beginning of the experiment there had been no problem with the chimps or the volunteers. Szmuness was now ready to set the date for the final experiment- an experiment which would decimate the gay community in New York City, and then spread throughout the country.

The vaccine experiments and the beginning of AIDS

The first group of gays were inoculated in November 1978 at the New York City Blood Center. The experiment continued until October 1979. Over one thousand men from Manhattan were injected with Szmuness' vaccine.

In January 1979, a few months after Wolf Szmuness began his experiment, purple skin lesions began to appear on the bodies of young white gay men in the Village area of Manhattan. The doctors were not sure exactly what was wrong with these men. During the next thirty months, Manhattan physicians encountered dozens of cases of a new disease characterized by immunodeficiency, Kaposi's sarcoma, and a rapidly fatal lung disease, known as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. All the men were young and gay and promiscuous. Almost all were white. All died horribly. Within a few years, AIDS would become the leading cause of death of young men and young women living in New York City; and The Big Apple would be the epicenter of the new plague with the highest number of AIDS cases in the country.

In March 1980 the CDC supervised additional gay experiments in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. In the fall of 1980 the first West Coast case of AIDS appeared in a young man from San Francisco. Six months later, in June 1981, the AIDS epidemic became "official." No one could understand why large numbers of young, white, previously healthy homosexual men were dying mysteriously in Manhattan, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

By the beginning of the 1980s, Szmuness was awarded millions of dollars for his research, and his hugely successful hepatitis vaccine was hailed as having tremendous global implications. He collaborated with the most powerful medical institutions in the nation: the NIH, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the FDA, the WHO, and the Cornell, Yale and Harvard Schools of Public Health and the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Other global connections included the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyons, France, and close associations with third world African countries. Even the services of the Sengalese Army were employed to secure blood specimens in one of Szmuness' many African experiments.

In June 1982 Wolf Szmuness died of lung cancer. In a posthumous account of Szmuness, the founding president of the New York Blood Center, Aaron Kellner, wrote: "He was the quintessential doctor's doctor. Most physicians in their professional careers influence the lives of a few hundred or a few thousand people. Some fortunate ones can influence the lives of a few million. It is the rare physician who, like Wolf Szmuness, is given the grace to touch the lives of billions of people--those living on this planet and generations yet unborn."

A 1983 report, published after Szmuness' death, detailed a new experimental hepatitis B vaccine program in Kangwane, using Black South African infants as subjects.

Monkey virus business in Africa and its connection to the Blood Center

From the very beginning of AIDS, government scientists claimed HIV virus originated as a primate virus, either from chimpanzees or monkeys, in the African jungle. From these primates it is believed the HIV virus was "introduced" into the African black population. Years later, I learned of a connection between the hepatitis B vaccine experiment at the New York Blood Center and its connection to an African primate laboratory that has never been revealed to the public, to my knowledge.

In 1974, Albert Prince, head of the virus lab at the NY Blood Center, established a chimp virus laboratory in West Africa and became its director. Chimps were captured from various parts of West Africa and brought to VILAB. The lab prides itself by releasing "rehabilitated" chimps back into the wild. One of the purposes of VILAB II, located at the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research in Robertsfield, Liberia, was to develop the hepatitis B vaccine in chimps. A few years later the experimental hepatitis B vaccine was inoculated into gays at the Blood Center.

Also closely allied with the "pre-AIDS" development of a hepatitis B vaccine is the little publicized primate colony outside New York City called LEMSIP (the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery). Until disbanded in 1997, LEMSIP supplied New York area scientists with primates and primate parts for transplantation and virus research.Founded in 1965, LEMSIP was affiliated with the New York University Medical Center, where the first cases of AIDS- associated Kaposi's sarcoma were discovered in 1979. Researchers at NYU Medical Center were also heavily involved in the development of the experimental hepatitis B vaccine used in gays; and the Medical Center received government grants and contracts connected with biological warfare research beginning in 1969, according to Leonard Horowitz, author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola.

The AIDS aftermath of the gay vaccine experiment

Most people are unaware of the gay experiments that immediately preceded the mass deaths in the gay community. But the details of the vaccine trials, and their effects on the health of homosexual men, are recorded for posterity in the annals of medical science.

After Szmuness' death he was remembered and honored by a small coterie of distinguished scientists- the national and international medical power brokers who run medical science, and who represent the media darlings. On May 11, 1984, a landmark meeting took place in the nation's capitol to honor Wolf Szmuness. One of the most distinguished attendees was Dr. Robert Gallo, who had announced the discovery of the AIDS virus three weeks earlier. Those who paid tribute to Szmuness also included the top government scientists in AIDS and cancer, the two discoverers of the AIDS virus, the most well-known researchers in animal experimentation, the heads of the most prestigious biomedical establishments in the nation, and the chief executives of drug companies tied to genetic engineering, vaccine production, and biological warfare research.

There was indeed a strange and ominous connection between cancer and AIDS, between animal experimentation and genetic engineering of viruses, between biological warfare technology and drug companies, between gay experiments and AIDS, between vaccine programs and the contamination of the nation's blood supply. Why else would all these people from diverse areas of science be attending this high level government conference?

Despite the denial of the medical authorities, there was a connection between Szmuness' gay experiment and the outbreak of AIDS in American cities. It wasn't my imagination. And it wasn't a coincidence. The more I studied the hepatitis B experiment, the more the connections to biological warfare and genocide became apparent.

African-Americans and man-made AIDS

Rarely, a black celebrity, such as comedian Bill Cosby or disco diva Grace Jones, or popular actor Will Smith would astonish people by declaring AIDS was a man-made disease. But in media interviews, the subject was quickly changed. In Rolling Stone black filmmaker Spike Lee predicted a lot of people would have to do a lot of explaining about AIDS one day. How could a mysterious and incurable disease appear out of nowhere and specifically target gays and minorities? Lee thinks the mystery disease is "about as mysterious as genocide." He is convinced "AIDS is a government-engineered disease. They never realized it couldn't be contained to the groups it was intended to wipe out." Is Lee paranoid? He declares: "You might think I'm crazy about this one. I don't think so."

This human protective psychological device called "denial" is the strongest argument against AIDS as a man-made disease For many people, the idea is too painful to bear and quickly dismissed. In my experience, physicians comprise the group most unreceptive to the concept. A common response of AIDS researchers to the issue is that they are so busy trying to find a cure for AIDS that they have no time to investigate such foolishness. Even gay AIDS activists use this ploy.

Why do AIDS activists avoid the subject of AIDS biowarfare? Undoubtedly, they fear a confrontation on this issue. Activists are constantly badgering the government for more funding. Accusing officials of deliberate gay genocide might cause the government to stop listening to gay demands.

According to the latest statistics posted on the Internet, about 20 million people worldwide have died of AIDS and 40 million more are infected with HIV, most in Sub-Saharan Africa. About 600,000 Americans have died.

The disproportionately high rate of AIDS in the Black community raises the specter of black genocide. A New York Times editorial ("The 'AIDS Plot' Against Blacks," May 12, 1992) emphasized that "bizarre as it may seem to most people, many Black Americans believe that AIDS and the health measures used against it are part of a conspiracy to wipe out the Black race.

The scientific evidence for man-made AIDS

After studying the scientific evidence for man-made AIDS for so long, it is difficult for me to imagine anyone who knows the "facts" surrounding the origin of HIV/AIDS who cannot see a possible connection between the gay experiments and the outbreak of the "gay plague."

Although the evidence is circumstantial, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that HIV (along with the new Kaposi's sarcoma virus) was seeded into gay men via contaminated vaccines as part of the hepatitis experiment. But during my initial study of the hepatitis trials, I had overlooked the most obvious piece of evidence linking AIDS to Szmuness' experiment. The strongest piece of evidence was in the tremendous success of the vaccine trials!

According to June Goodfield: "In those (gay men) who received all three injections, 96% developed antibodies against the (hepatitis) virus. Overall, the vaccine was shown to be 92.3 percent effective in protecting high risk individuals against hepatitis B; these findings are of an order of magnitude that has never been equaled in any other vaccine trial, either before or since."

The experiment could never have been so phenomenally successful if the gay men were infected with HIV before the experiment!

The reason for this is now obvious. More recent studies have shown that hepatitis B vaccination is not very successful in immunodepressed people. In HIV-positive individuals, the success rate of the hepatitis B vaccine is about 50%, only protecting one out of two people infected with the AIDS virus.

The gay men in Szmuness' study were healthy before the experiment- and damaged afterward. The experiment would have been a failure (never 96% effective) if the immune systems of the men hadn't been working at full capacity. The cohort was infected with HIV at the time of the experiment- not before.

By permanently changing the genetic structure (via HIV) of homosexual men, the gay experiment devastated the homosexual community in America. Health officials now predict the odds of a teenage male homosexual reaching the age of 60 without becoming HIV- positive is 50-50.

Is AIDS a covert genocide program against homosexual men? Is AIDS genocide against Black Africans? For those aware of evidence presented, the answer is yes.

The AIDS aftermath of the gay experiment

A 1986 report in JAMA showed 20% of the men in the experiment were already infected with HIV by the end of 1981; and by 1984, more than 40% of the men were HIV-positive and doomed to death.

Another follow-up study of 8,906 gay men who donated blood for the hepatitis experiments in Manhattan was released in 1992. Statistical analysis of this group showed that mortality rates for men aged 25-44 began to rise in the 1980s, with AIDS the leading cause of death among young men in New York City. Remarkably, "The all-cause mortality in this cohort in 1988 was 24 times higher that the mortality rate in the cohort before the beginning of the AIDS epidemic."

A final paper appearing on the "natural history of HIV infection" and titled "Long-Term Survival after Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) among Homosexual Men in Hepatitis B Vaccine Trial Cohorts in Amsterdam, New York City, and San Francisco, 1978-1995", appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1999. (The full report is available online at: The fate of 120 gay men in the Manhattan hepatitis B experiment was determined by the investigators. It is clear from "Table One" that fifty eight of these young men had died, and 93% of then died of AIDS.

Primate viruses out of Africa - or out of a laboratory?

Why is AIDS a heterosexual disease in Africa, and a "gay" disease in the United States? Do African Blacks make love differently than white heterosexuals? How did Black African men acquire HIV? Were
they all sodomized? What kind of sexually transmitted agent spreads heterosexually in Africa and homosexually in America? And rarely, if ever, is transmitted between non-drug-using lesbians?

There are millions of white people in Sub-Saharan Africa. If HIV had been present for decades (as scientists insist), why is AIDS primarily a black man's disease-and not also a white man's disease in Africa? In the U.S., why was AIDS first discovered in white gays, but not in black gays?

There is no evidence that AIDS in America came from Africa or anywhere else outside of the USA. There is no possible way a black heterosexual sexually-transmitted epidemic in Africa could have transformed itself initially into a white gay man's disease in America. That, in itself, is the "smoking gun."

Why weren't the first cases seen in Asian-Americans or Native Americans? Why no cases in women? Why no cases in infants, in the elderly, and in immunodeficient people with chronic diseases--the groups most likely to acquire a contagious virus, and the groups most likely to die quickly from HIV?
Why was there no "incubation period" for HIV in the U.S.? As soon as the gay experiment started, it was quickly followed by "gay- related immune deficiency disease"-later to be known as "acquired" immune disease.

Gay, Black and Universal Genocide

The introduction of HIV via the hepatitis B trials was a deliberate attempt to liquidate the gay community - and then blame homosexual men for spreading the disease to the "general population" because of their perverted and "high risk" lifestyle. Why did a new "gay disease" erupt as soon as homosexuals, the most hated people in America, presented themselves as guinea pigs to medical scientists? Another coincidence of nature caused by monkeys in the African jungle? Why are new retroviral diseases, never before seen in modern medicine. appearing so soon after retroviruses were "discovered"? (Google: The Special Cancer Virus Program of the 1970s, the birthplace of HIV and AIDS) Why did the AIDS "supervirus" appear a decade after it was predicted by the biowarfare experts? (Google the Congressional testimony of biological warfare researcher "Dr. Donald MacArthur " in 1969.) Another coincidence?

The public has been carefully taught that Blacks and Gays and African Green Monkeys are responsible for causing AIDS. These politically correct and scientifically correct "facts" are accepted by most people without question.
How many more AIDS deaths are required before people speak out against this secret genocide- and the obvious connection of vaccine experiments and the "introduction" of lethal viruses into "select populations"?

[Alan Cantwell, MD, writes frequently about the origin of AIDS and cancer. He is the author of AIDS and the Doctors of Death, Queer Blood, The Cancer Microbe, and Four Women Against Cancer, all published by Aries Rising Press, PO Box 29532, Los Angeles, CA 90029. His books are available through, and Book Clearing House at: 1-800-431-1579. Email:]

Alan Cantwell M.D.

author of, AIDS & The Doctors of Death and Queer Blood
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