Thursday, January 1, 2009


Russian Reports State US Has Become Largest Prison Society World Has Ever Known

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)

A shocking new report from Russia’s Interior Ministry is stating that in the 2008 the United States became the largest prison society our World has ever known. Even worse, this damning report states that the United States has ‘deliberately and callously’ embarked upon this course of destruction so as to better ‘acclimate’ its citizens to the ‘new reality’ they will soon face as Third World collection of Nation States rather than the once great country they once were.

The massive details in this report state that the American government began this course of action against their own people in the 1970’s under the reign of then President Richard Nixon who ‘declared’ that the United States was now in a ‘War on Drugs’.

Unbeknownst to these Americans however, was that their governments War on Drugs was instead a generational war upon themselves which has evolved into the United States today being in near total control of the Global Drug Trade through its creation of the Narco-States of Mexico (marijuana/trafficking), Peru and Colombia (cocaine), and Afghanistan (heroin) which generates for their intelligence and black security services nearly $1 Trillion a year in profits.

The toll taken upon these Narco-States created by the United States has been catastrophic as: 1.) The Nation of Mexico is currently embroiled in a drug war that has cost thousands of lives this year alone; 2.) Colombia and Peru are continually wracked by drug violence, political corruption and rebel insurgencies; and 3.) Afghanistan, which had nearly eradicated the growing of illegal drug crops under the Taliban, has now become under the Americans one the largest heroin producer in the World.

The toll enacted upon the American people by the insidious actions of their government it has been even more catastrophic as “according to the Justice Department, 7 million people--or one in every 32 adults--are either incarcerated, on parole or probation or under some other form of state or local supervision. One out of every 100 Americans is now in prison!”, with the vast majority being non-violent drug offenders.

And if these shocking figures weren’t enough to awaken the greatest fears of any sane person, the news from the United States keeps getting worse with the recent reports that no less a figure than the Vice President of United States, Richard Cheney, was indicted by a Texas grand jury for his part in profiting from the American Gulag imprisoning millions of its own citizens, and as we can read as reported by the Times of India News Service:

“American vice-president Dick Cheney and former attorney general Alberto Gonzales have been indicted on separate charges related to alleged prisoner abuse in federal detention centers.

The indictment stems from Cheney's investment in the Vanguard Group — an investment management company that reportedly has interests in the prison companies in charge of the detention centres, an international news agency has reported.

It also charges Gonzales halted an investigation into abuse at the detention centres while he was attorney general. Democratic state Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. also is charged in the indictment.”

The indictment against Cheney was, of course, thrown out by the American Judge presiding over the case and the prosecutor was ordered to halt any further investigations and to turn over all of his files to the government, but not before this case alerting the American people to the corruption in their gulags which have earned the highest ranking American officials nearly $2 billion in profits for their private prisons.

To the ‘ultimate goal’ of the American oligarchs seeking the destruction of their own Nation we can read as predicted by the Dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats Igor Panarin, and who stated in a recent interview to the Wall Street Journal News Service:

“A polite and cheerful man with a buzz cut, Mr. Panarin insists he does not dislike Americans. But he warns that the outlook for them is dire.

"There's a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur," he says. "One could rejoice in that process," he adds, poker-faced. "But if we're talking reasonably, it's not the best scenario -- for Russia." Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S.

Mr. Panarin posits, in brief, that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar. Around the end of June 2010, or early July, he says, the U.S. will break into six pieces -- with Alaska reverting to Russian control.”

Dr. Panarin’s dire statements of the catastrophic future facing the American people are not unknown to their oligarchs either who are, in fact, preparing themselves, and as we can read:

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security," writes retired Army Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, a 20-year Army veteran and visiting professor at the US Army War College.

Freir notes that his 44-page report, "Known Unknowns: Unconventional 'Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development," is solely a reflection. But he argues that "unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters," could be the potential aftermath of a sclerotic economy.

The announcement by the US defense department to assign a full-time army unit to be on-call for domestic deployment could prove all by itself that the officials are not indifferent towards such predictions.”

And if these poor American dire situation isn’t cruel enough, these reports state it is about to get much, much crueler as under the new United States laws injecting over $8.5 Trillion into their banking system there are ‘hidden’ codicils stipulating that though these people may think they are borrowing money from their banks, mortgage or car loan companies, they are actually borrowing from their own government under terms not allowing them to ever go bankrupt, and should they not be able to pay their borrowed funds back they will become economic criminals subject to harsh penalties and imprisonment.

Of the saddest fact surrounding this entire, and very depressing, report it remains the case that these American people will, and as always, do nothing to protect themselves or their families to, instead, continue living their lives as if the truth doesn’t exist anymore.

And, as these Americans are soon being marched into the massive new concentration camps being prepared for them, one can only wonder as to how such a great people were able to be destroyed in such a short period of time, and even worse, actually became active participants in their own destruction.

© January 1, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved.

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