- Letter from a friend...
- Absolutely nobody is talking about this - except in Little Rock and Ohio. But there were two sudden and peculiar deaths of important Dem Party leaders in their respective states - Arkansas (Clinton's stronghold), and Ohio. (pivotal state in recent years presidential election fraud, twice).
- These people were also 'superdelegates' who would have been voting at the Dem Convention in Denver this week If you don't know, a 'superdelegate' here is a party convention delegate entitled to vote as they wish, regardless of the outcome of the primaries in their state.
- The Clinton's have scheduled all their loyal delegates to 'act up' at the convention....these are mostly the aberrant, psycho-bitch Hillary fanatics counted upon to create a scene for public consumption. The plan is for a surprise upset of the delegate vote count at the convention through Clinton control of the superdelegates.
- What has that to do with the Arkansas Dem superdelegate who was shot to death in Obama headquarters in downtown Little Rock recently? And the 58 year old black Congresswoman from Ohio, who died from brain hemorrage on an afternoon drive in an upscale Cleveland neighborhood a week later?
- Gwatney, the Arkansas Dem leader, had just made a public speech Aug 4th telling Arkansas Dem delegates and voters "Hillary is no longer a candidate. We must all get behind Obama".
- Tubbs had just confided internally to the Dem party in Ohio that she - formerly a Hillary delegate - would be voting for Obama.
- Gwatney, Arkansas Dem party leader and "superdelegate". Murdered Aug 18th "Lone" gunman was filled full of lead after a chase over the county line. He won't be talkin' - only witnesses to gunman's death was the Arkansas State Police that killed him.
- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080814/ap_on_re_us/gwatney_profile
- Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs, died while driving alone in her car, of a 'brain hemorrage.' I think small caliber projectiles such as a dry ice pellet used for 40 years by CIA/MI5/KGB can cause that. (Also, a following car or van equipped with an emf beam device can deliver such a knockout punch. -ed)
- Only witnesses were police who just happed to be on the same street and noticed her car was 'weaving'. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080814/ap_on_re_us/gwatney_profile
- These are the markers of ogranized political hits.
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