- WHAT: A pre-planned collapse of the US (and global) financial and economic systems.
- WHO: The same characters who perpetrated the original 911.
- WHERE: New York City & DC, of course. Plus a sideshow in Washington state.
- WHEN: The days surrounding September 11, naturally.
- HOW: Instead of painted drones, missiles with wings & big fins, and fake airplanes, they used the much more stealthy short seller.
- WHY: To remake the economic/financial order of the world into a "PPP".
- WHY Really: Think about it ! And then ask yourself, "Cui bono?"
- The 911 blueprint worked so magically for the world controllers that they were compelled to use virtually the same playbook. "If it ain't broke, why fix it?
- So, what's the real deal here?
- By analogy, let's take a quick look at the 911 timeline and stack it up against the new 2008 Financial "911", as it began to unfold earlier this year.
- 1. The Bear Stearns collapse that began in March 2008 is analogous to the 1st World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Just a warm up. This was preceded by a little failure back in January featuring Countrywide the largest US mortgage lender.
- 2. The nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac marks the beginning of the new 911. Both in the DC area, they were the first to come down this time. Just as they struck at the heart of the military complex, this time they went for the jugular of the national real estate market. Remember this is a financial 911.
- 3. Next came this year's version of the twin towers, building 7 and other assorted NYC landmarks in the form of Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, as well as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in their "new & improved" form. Basically took out the whole of American investment brokerage, heh?!
- 4. And, of course, we still have Washington Mutual out there in the boonies just like the one that "crashed" in a PA farm field. Update: WashMu is now history! As is another "little" bank by the name of Wachovia.
- 5. Their MO! What else, but controlled demolition? Throughout 2008, and especially this month of September, we have seen some of the world's largest banks, brokerage houses, mortgage lenders, insurance companies and investment brokers go bust, as each of them fell perfectly into their own footprint faster than you can say: C O N T R O L L E D D E M O L I T I O N ! ! !
- 6. The 700 billion dollar Bailout Plan is just like the Patriot Act, isn't it? Only this time it's maybe a 1 or 2 page document (in its original form) that conferred absolute authority on the Executive Branch to do just about anything they want with the taxpayer's money. And they want it rubber stamped now. Not tomorrow. NOW!!! Without discussion, or unnecessary congressional debate. Talk about Shock & Awe being used against the American people, and their elected representatives!?! "The Greatest Depression" never sounded more like "Weapons of Mass Destruction", eh?!?!
- 7. Now we know we can expect further gyrations, panics and precipitous declines in the market and elsewhere, just as we had anthrax attacks in the Capital, beltway snipers in Maryland in October of '02, the 3/11/04 train bombings in Madrid, and the 7/7/05 bombings in London. Not to mention the 50+ other synthetic terror events staged throughout the world to enforce compliance and create distraction.
- 8. The sudden and dramatic downfall of NY Gov Eliot Spitzer can also now be seen in its proper light. Having left the reservation one too many times, he simply could not be trusted to go with the flow. He had their numbers, their signatures (especially their MO's), their addresses --- the whole ball of wax, as well as his own reputation to burnish. Eliot, to seal his fate, wrote a masterful expose on the subprime mortgage fiasco/fraud that was published in the WashPo just weeks before his public humiliation. He had recently testified before Congress in fine revelatory fashion as well. The elimination of John O'Neil, Head of Security at the WTC complex, is quite similar, except that John O. a great patriot died on 911, having just been given the job.
- 9. To date, the most obvious and glaring example of this manipulated takedown is the case of a NY Senator. His letter to the FDIC contained confidential information that triggered the IndyMac bank collapse in July. California AG Jerry Brown was called to review the entire affair after the OTS Director explicitly blamed the letter for causing a run on the bank (3rd largest bank failure in US history). This episode is eerily reminiscent of Larry Silverstein's order to, "Pull it." just prior to the expertly controlled demolition of Building # 7on 911.
- 10. Just as 911 was perpetrated as a cover for: inaugurating the War on Terror, overtly advancing the NWO regime globally (in contrast to this previously covert operation), imposing a police state (Homeland Security) in the US (by gutting the US Constitution), UK and elsewhere, dominating and securing oil/gas reserves in the Middle East and Cacaucus (to include running energy pipelines through Afghanistan and stealing Iraq's oil wealth via military invasion), jump starting the Afghan opium trade, etc., the ECO/FIN 911 of '08 is a cover for many of these same agenda items. However, there is one little item that is particularly high on the current agenda. And that concerns the derivatives market, which in its totality approximates somewhere between 750 trillion and 1 quadrillion dollars of instruments as of 2008. In fact, the sub prime mortgage defaults are just a tip of the tip of the iceberg when compared to the real megilla DERIVATIVES. This is what they're really worried about, and having to cover for. Except this is a quadrillion dollar megilla that can't be covered without unraveling the entire capitalistic system, and its fascist corpocracy and kleptocratic oligarchy.
- 11. And then there is the teenie-weenie matter concerning the Federal Reserve, and its collection agency the IRS. The man standing behind this curtain has a lot at stake, especially in the form of mountains of evidence that will indict, and convict, the entire system. Lots of evidence was destroyed during and after 911, as will happen after many of these Wall Street firms are taken over, nationalized, liquidated, merged and disappeared. The veil, however, has already been lifted.
- Does anyone see a pattern here?!
- The real lesson to be gleaned from this analysis is that events of such enormity and consequence are rarely spontaneous and unchoreographed. Especially when they happen just weeks from an era defining presidential election. They have obviously been planning this one for a long time, and it has been fastidiously engineered to have a very definite effect and desired outcome a permanent planetary plantation (PPP).
- The execution, thus far, has been flawless. Even for those of us who stood there on the 1st 911, and knew it was a fraud while the buildings were coming down, this one is exceedingly more difficult to penetrate. However, penetrate we will, until every last conspirator is sitting before the TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION spillin' the beans. The ultimate and lasting effect of these inquiries will be a New World Order of our making, not theirs. The only remaining, $64,000 question will undoubtedly be, "What do we do with them after we head them off at the pass?"
- For the uninitiated, it may take quite a lot to wrap your mind around this extremely complex and convoluted plot, but, please, just be patient. As this drama plays out, the true intentions of the primary perpetrators will become manifest as they unwittingly reveal themselves by their handiwork. As Eliot Spitzer, no - Eliot Ness, nee Sherlock Holmes once alluded to a fingerprint inadvertently left as evidence is impossible to erase.
- You see, the short sellers, unlike the "airplanes", are still with us. Each one had a target to take down which they did with amazing speed and dexterity. And the myriad transactions that converged to topple their prey are all preserved somewhere, in some huge database, with multiple backups to serve as confirmation of trades of staggering amounts. AHHH! Nothing like computers, especially when they're not confiscated and shipped off to China for permanent disposal.
- May all financial wizards and economic soothsayers, henceforth, be inspired to stare into their crystal ball and divine the upcoming financial and economic events of global proportions with the keenest of acumen and sleuthing. As we shine the LIGHT of our collective awareness on these rapidly unfolding schemes, we will serve as beacons of revelation, and hope to the world.
- Remember we now know the script. We know the major players involved. We know their MO: Controlled Demolition. We are able to watch the crimes being commit-
- ted in real time. Each of us has now been thusly notified, and empowered, to serve as a vector of dissemination of this critical information. So -----> LET'S GET BUSY ! ! !
- T. Anthony Michael 9/22/08
- TAnthonyMichael@gmail.com
Thursday, October 2, 2008
One Nation under Capitalism: It’s Time for a Crucifixion
Published by cyrano2 at 1:17 pm under American Capitalism, American Empire, American Infantilization, American Nightmare, Bourgeois democracy, Capitalism, Capitalist Crises, Capitalist Lies, Capitalist Whores, Capitalist democracy, Collectivism, Communalism, Corporatism, Crony Capitalism, Cultural decay, Economic Collapse, False Consciousness, Finance Capital, Money Worship, Monopoly Capitalism, Savage Capitalism, Social Justice, Sociopaths in charge
By Jason Miller Print This Post
Proudly surveying our kingdom from atop the capitalist pyramid, we US Americans have deluded ourselves into believing we are at the pinnacle of cultural, social, political, and economic evolution. We fancy ourselves to be so exceptional that we are entitled to a perpetual blessing from “our” Christian God.
Break out the Haldol!
We have afflicted the globe with the fatal contagions of the American Way and corporatism. And all of us, to varying degrees, are culpable. From bicycle-peddling vegans to limo riding corporados, we are each complicit in perpetuating American capitalism, a system so rotten that were it a piece of decaying meat, starving maggots would reject it.
We would have far fewer amends to make if our nation’s impact were limited by the size of our population. Were that the case, we would be a mere blemish on the face of Mother Earth. But due to our extraordinary wealth and power, insatiable avarice, hostility towards life, and obscene appetites for consumption, the United States is more akin to a cankerous fist-sized boil, oozing pus and reeking with infection.
We’re gluttonous beyond belief, greedily devouring every morsel of meat and marrow and leaving the “dogs” of the rest of the world to gnaw hungrily on the hollow bones we thoughtlessly cast aside.
Spiritually we’ve struck a perverse Faustian bargain. Like the good doctor, we crave “more than earthly meat, cheese and drink.” But knowledge is not the object of our desire. What an insult to think that we’d relinquish our souls in exchange for something so hollow and meaningless. Big Macs, the NFL, NASCAR, McMansions, Hummers, American Idol, liposuction, and Viagra—we’ll settle for no less. Gloating over our seemingly endless supply of fast foods and hard-hitting dudes, heart-pounding races and expansive living spaces, monstrous cars and aspiring stars, and hot chicks and hard dicks, we glare contemptuously at the “rats” from other nations scurrying about our feet and fighting over the crumbs we don’t manage to inhale.
Cyrano’s Journal Online and its semi-autonomous subsections (Thomas Paine’s Corner, The Greanville Journal, CJO Avenger, Tant Mieux, and VoxPop) would be delighted to periodically email you links to the most recent material and timeless classics available on our diverse and comprehensive site. If you would like to subscribe, type “CJO subscription” in the subject line and send your email to JMiller@bestcyrano.org
For years we have satiated our desires with utter disregard for environmental cost, have ignored the abject suffering we inflict upon humans and animals, and have spilled a veritable ocean of blood to enable corporate plunder and to stomp anti-capitalist movements into the ground.
Yet when we finally reaped a bit of what we’d sown in September of 2001 and again in September of 2008, we wailed, wept, and gnashed our teeth as if we were the only people ever to have sustained staggering blows.
While both events are tragic, how can we express such righteous indignation that we’ve been wounded as a nation when we’ve been dishing out misery for years and have remained relatively unscathed?
And can we be so blinded by the shimmer of the gold and diamonds that we worship that we can’t see that these deep wounds to the very heart of capitalism (both the destruction of the World Trade Center and the current financial market crisis) are clarion calls to slay this formidable but staggering beast?
Capitalism has had its run and it has failed. Miserably.
Despite a number of ‘socialist’ measures implemented by the ruling elite to pacify the masses throughout the crisis-ridden history of American capitalism, we still have an obscene percentage of wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, poverty and homelessness, unemployment, imperial conquests, monopolies and oligopolies, and ‘recessions.’
And our collective psyche suffers from a host of maladies and malformations. We are alienated from nature, each other and ourselves. We value property over life. We buy far more than we need or could ever use. We measure success in dollars and cents. We are driven by greed and selfishness. We worship money and militarism.
As obviously dysfunctional, unjust, and destructive as our system is, many of us who oppose the $700 billion ‘bailout’ of the financial markets still soberly nod our heads in agreement when bourgeois economists insist that while the ‘bailout’ proposal is excessive, ‘something must be done to restore investor confidence and get credit flowing again.’
How about no? How about we do nothing?
Most of those who stand to benefit from a ‘bailout’ of any dollar amount are all about the ‘free market’ and ‘law of the jungle’ capitalism. It’s sad how quickly those in the moneyed class cast aside their ‘principles’ when adversity slaps them in the face.
‘Dog-eat-dog’ is their mantra when they’re fighting tooth and nail to cut spending on socially beneficial programs, rewarding mass firings by increasing stock values, pushing for increased regressive taxes and decreases on progressive taxes, and slaughtering millions of innocents in resource wars. But when these uber-predators become prey, they expect the rest of us to charge to their rescue.
So what of Paulson and the rest of the power elite who are coming to the working and middle classes on bended knee, begging for a hand-out? Let them twist in the wind and pray they start hurling themselves out of windows.
What of the financial markets, Wall Street, and the decaying socioeconomic infrastructure of American capitalism? Let them collapse.
What of the rest of us? Let us suffer as our victims have suffered for decades.
Motivated by pain and by the realization that our system is ecocidal, genocidal, and morally reprehensible, we of the working and middle classes can finally redeem ourselves by nailing our depraved god of American capitalism to the cross and starting to forge a just, egalitarian, democratic and humane socioeconomic order. Good for us and good for the rest of the planet!
Jason Miller is the associate editor of Cyrano’s Journal Online, founding editor of Thomas Paine’s Corner, and a corporate wage slave. He has experienced unemployment and homelessness, looks forward to meeting interesting people at the soup kitchen once his 401K has zeroed out and his job has been eliminated, and wonders when America’s wage slaves will finally unite and revolt.
A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US Secretary of the Treasury has informed the China Development Bank that the US has shipped $800 Billion of a new currency called the Amero, which is to be based upon the merging of the economies of The United States, Mexico and Canada into what is termed as The North American Union.
The current American debt obligation to
Virtually unknown to the American people is that their current leader of the US Department of Treasury, Henry M. Paulson, Jr., has been tasked by President Bush to lead the efforts to join the economies of the US, Canada and Mexico and is also the head of the North American Development Bank, the bi-national financial institution established by the United States and Mexico to further the merging of their economies, and the leader of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC), the organization created by the governments of the United States and Mexico to further the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
This is important to note as the final provisions of the NAFTA Agreement were implemented on January 1, 2008, leaving only the final merging of the economies of the US, Mexico and Canada into a North American Union to be accomplished, of which we can read:
It is also interesting to note that American economists have been warning about the replacing of the US Dollar with the Amero, due to pressure from
But Chapman doubts the trip will help the Fed to engineer a slow dollar slide.
How severe will the coming dollar collapse be?
The prophetic warnings of these American economists are, indeed, coming to pass as during the month of September alone, 10 years worth of gains on US stock markets have been wiped out in their entirety and bank runs are now occurring in the United States for the first time since the days of the Great Depression leading to the failure of 13 banks, some of their largest, and the imminent failure of 117 more forecasted by the US government.
It goes without saying that the American people will greatly resist the replacement of their Dollar, but this cannot be said when tens of millions of them are without jobs and their life savings have become worthless leaving them with no other choice but accept what their own leaders have planned for them all along.
To this growing crisis currently battering the US, and its destruction of the entire Western Economy, Russian Military Analysts state in their reports that the establishment of a North American Union is by no means a foregone conclusion as aligned against it are the combined, and powerful, forces of the United States Military establishment and the State of Israel, both of whom see their demise should this planned merger occur.
This is important to note because both the US Military and Israel are proponents of what is termed as ‘Disaster Capitalism’ which advocates the seemingly contradictory view that ‘shocks’ and ‘crashes’ to populations and economies are quickly followed by long periods of sustained growth and stability.
The phenomena of Disaster Capitalism was first observed during the 2007 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where this ‘puzzling trend’ was discussed and debated at great length, but which none of the participates could dispute after the full reports of the effects of September 11, 2001, in the United States, and other such catastrophic disasters, were fully analyzed.
To the growing Western adherence to the new ideology of Disaster Capitalism, and its dangers, we are further warned by the eminent writer Naomi Klein in her seminal work “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise Of Disaster Capitalism”, and where she states:
“The creeping expansion of the disaster capitalism complex into media may prove to be a new kind of corporate synergy, one building on the vertical integration so popular in the nineties. It certainly makes sound business sense. The more panicked our societies become, convinced that there are terrorists lurking in every mosque, the higher the news ratings soar, the more biometric IDs and liquid-explosives-detection devices the complex sells, and the more high-tech fences it builds.
If the dream of the open, borderless “small planet” was the ticket to profits in the nineties, the nightmare of the menacing, fortressed Western continents, under siege from jihadists and illegal immigrants, palys the same role in the new millennium.
The only prospect that threatens the booming disaster economy on which so much wealth depends-from weapons to oil to engineering to surveillance to patented drugs-is the possibility of achieving some measure of climatic stability and geopolitical peace.”
To which of these powerful forces, North American Union or Disaster Capitalism, the American people will ultimately be forced into choosing it is not in our knowing. But, what is in our knowing is that these Americans are woefully ill equipped, on every level imaginable, to either fully understand, or know how to survive, the horrific future being planned for them.
[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about theHOW CHINA CREATED A NEW SLAVE EMPIRE IN AFRICA
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This guy is speaking the truth people whether you like it or not. We have been shafted by those who were put in place to protect this country’s interest and they did nothing but rob and pillage our economy for their own greediness. For an in depth look at this crisis Read RIP USA: Dissecting The Death of a Dynasty by Paul Moreland.
via Yahoo
Speaking to reporters in Lisbon on the last leg of a tour that included visits to China and Russia, he said: “I think the United States should start a constituent process to create a constituent assembly, a new truly democratic model.”
A constituent assembly is a body elected to draft and sometimes adopt a new constitution.
“It was capitalism that caused the ruin” in the United States, said Chavez, who is one of Washington’s fiercest critics, calling the financial crunch “the worst financial crisis in history”.
“Let the U.S. empire end and let a great nation and great republic rise from the ruin … It’s time to shout ‘Liberty!’ again in the United States,” Chavez said, calling for a new government to be free of the “dictatorship of the elite” such as big banks and corporations.
Critics accuse Chavez of running an authoritarian, Cuban-style regime in oil-rich Venezuela.
Chavez, who has signed various deals from weapons to energy this week in China and Russia also signed an agreement with Portugal’s Socialist government on Saturday to buy 1 million ultra-cheap laptops for schools and 50,000 pre-fabricated houses in deals worth $3 billion.
They also signed a draft deal between Energias do Portugal and Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA for the development of a liquefied natural gas project from the Blanquilla Este reserve in northern Venezuela.
The computers, which the government started distributing in Portuguese primary schools this week at a subsidised price of 50 euros , will be delivered to Venezuela from December. They cost 285 euros in stores in Portugal.
The laptop is based on Intel Corp’s Classmate PC, a cheap computer that has been adopted in various formats in countries such as Brazil and IndonesiaGRID OF 100,000 COMPUTERS HERALDS NEW INTERNET ERA
This is definitely something we should be watching because this is some extraordinary work they are attempting and any mistakes could cause a virtual black out. If what they are saying is true this will change how we use the internet forever.
A network of supercomputers called the Grid will allow information to be downloaded quicker than ever. Tasks that took hours will now take seconds
via Times Online UK
A network of 100,000 computers providing the greatest data processing capacity yet unleashed has been created to cope with information pouring from the world’s largest machine.
The Grid is the latest evolution of the internet and the world wide web and computer scientists will announce on Friday that it is ready to be connected to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
It is designed for schemes where huge quantities of data need crunching, such as large research and engineering projects. The Grid has the kind of power required to download movies in seconds, and the ability to make high-definition video phone calls for the same price as a local call. More importantly, it should help to narrow the search for cures for diseases. However, it is unlikely to be directly available to most internet users until telecoms providers build the fibre-optic network required to use it.
The Grid allows scientists at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, to get access to the unemployed processing power of thousands of computers n 33 countries to deal with the data created by the LHC.
Scientists at CERN, where the world wide web was invented, created the €500 million Grid because they realised that a single computer would not be able to cope with the amount of data the LHC is expected to produce each year – 15 petabytes, or 15 million gigabytes, which would fill 20 million CDs.
They said that it was an extra facility laid on top of the internet, which originally linked computers around the world in the Seventies.
Dr Bob Jones, a CERN scientist, said: “The [world wide] web allows you to access information on other computers. What the Grid allows you to do is not only access the information, but make use of their computing resources and power.”
He likened it to the National Grid. Users would be able to tap into massive amounts of processing power, but the source of the power would change, depending on availability.
Processing tasks will be distributed between 11 gateway computer centres in ten countries, including Britain, which will share them out between more than 140 sites.
One of the first jobs the Grid will tackle is handling the raw data for CERN’s experiments into finding proof of the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle.
Its uses, however, extend well beyond particle physics and it has already been used on a smaller scale in research into diseases such as malaria and bird flu. “The Grid cannot find a cure for cancer, but what it can do is make it quicker,” said Dr Jones, explaining that what might have taken a decade could now be done in weeks.
David Britton, Professor of Physics at Glasgow University and a leading figure in the Grid project, said: “The old traditional way to find cures for diseases is that you would go to the lab and try mixing various drugs and see how they work.”
With the Grid, he said, scientists could run hundreds of thousands of simulations to create a shortlist of the drugs that are most likely to offer the potential for a cure. Researchers can then get to work testing the drugs singled out as promising.
The Grid has also already been used to save lives in the immediate aftermath of earthquakes. Using the seismic data, scientists can use the Grid for simulations that pinpoint which areas are most affected, allowing rescue teams to direct their efforts where they are most needed.
Many believe the world wide web and the internet are the same thing, but the internet is actually a massive network of networks, which connects millions of computers together globally, and the web is an information-sharing model built on top of the internet, which allows information to be accessed over the medium of the internet.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Paulson Plan means you are going to eat it all, Paulson wants to keep the corrupt greed machine going, A Wall Street Bailout plan means you will pay for their mistakes, Administration trying to scare everyone into accepting bailout plan, Buyouts now like zombie marriages, derivative Death-Star on its way,
The name of the episode, appropriately enough, is "The Paulson Plan." The capsule for the episode reads as follows: Hanky Panky and Buck-Busting Ben decide to renovate the Goldilocks Matrix, giving it a major overhaul, and attempt to redefine the word: "fantasy." Indeed, The Paulson Plan, so-called, may be the most vivid product of a fertile imagination since "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Wizard of Oz," which quite frankly are more believable than the reasons given for the implementation of the "The Paulson Plan."
Oh, we must help the poor sheople by easing the credit-crunch so they can get more loans and get deeper into hock (like more loans is what they somehow need), and so their savings accounts and pensions plans can be saved as we hyperinflate the dollar. Oh, we are sooooo concerned about the welfare of the poor, helpless sheople! We have to save them from destroying themselves, because only we, the masters of the universe, know what is best for them. (Judy, get the barf-bag - quick!) You just don't understand. The corrupt, graft-laden, insider-trading-saturated, fraud-based, Ponzi-scheming system that we have used to rip you off and steal you blind for over a century must obviously be saved so we can keep screwing you ad infinitum. After all, isn't that what sheople are for, to be fleeced and sheered, fattened and slaughtered? You know your place. You are all bleating, ignorant sheople, so come lick our boots - and give us the damned money!!! Oh, there, there, now. We're sorry to take such an imperious tone with you. There, there, just give in to our demands like good little sheople and, in time, everything will turn out juuuuust fine --- NOT!
We know we have taxed you to death via the IRS and inflation of the money supply, we know we have manipulated all the markets and engaged in rampant insider-trading and loan fraud, thus stealing trillions of dollars of your hard-earned cash from you, we know we created Ponzi-scheme bubbles in dot.com stocks and real estate, we know we gave mortgages to people who could not afford homes in the first place, we know that we falsely rated stocks, bonds and derivatives and "cooked our books" to get you and our international friends to pay top dollar for crap, we know we lied to you about every economic statistic on the face of the planet, but, hey, we're all in this together now, and you have no alternative other than to accept our bailout plan (oh, let's call it a "rescue plan" instead) so thatyou can pay for all the economic carnage resulting from our debauchery.
And don't worry about any oversight when it comes to disbursing the piddling $700 billion, because it should be obvious, based on all the foregoing, that we can be trusted to handle the mere 700 billion as if it were -well - our own, which it will be if you approve the plan! Oh, but perhaps we should not mention that - you might construe that as some kind of silly old moral hazard, hahaha. And never mind that we told you we don't know if the plan will work, because we know it won't, but we didn't want to upset you any more than you already are. And have no concern that the 1.4 quadrillion dollar, roiling, boiling derivatives volcano is going to wipe out the entire world banking system with molten credit default swaps and interest rate swaps in a blaze of pyroclastic glory over the next several years, because, hey - we're working on it! And never mind that the problem is unsolvable. This is the United Goldilocks Matrix, where everything turns out juuuuust right!
Note first, how the Paulson Plan, which we will hereinafter refer to as PP (which is also a good acronym for Preposterous Poppycock), is a perfect example of Illuminist extortion aimed at stuffing a very rotten apple down the collective throats of our elitist marionettes in Congress, who, for the first-time in what must be over half a century, displayed some backbone in their denial of the initial proposal for the PP, albeit that their nixing of the PP was most likely motivated by political opportunism more so than by any true patriotism.
First, we saw Bear Stearns assassinated this March as an appetizer. The extortion got started with a bang on September 7, when Fannie and Freddie were nationalized, and then we were "shocked and awed" with a series of colossal commercial bank and investment bank failures, starting with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 10, at which time Merrill Lynch also went under and was purchased by Bank of America. Then AIG goes down on the 16th. Out comes the PP on the 20th. Then, to keep up the pressure, Washington Mutual implodes on the 25th and is acquired by JP Morgan Chase, followed by the vaporization of Wachovia on the 29th, which is acquired by Citigroup in the hours before the first vote on the PP is commenced. Now mind you that these banks have been insolvent from the outset of the credit-crunch in August of 2007, as we have reported to you over the past year. And here we are, with Congress about to recess to campaign for reelection just before the vote in November, and suddenly the whole system, which until now has been kept in a state of suspended animation, comes down to scare everyone into accepting the PP. How blatant and churlish can you get?
Along the way, we also saw Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley give up their investment bank charters for commercial bank charters while getting bailed out with equity injections from various Illuminist companies. Then banks and other financial institutions in Europe suddenly crumble, after unofficial weekend rumblings, with official announcements of bailouts/nationalizations made, right on cue, on Monday to bolster the PP, including Fortis (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemborg), Hypo Real Estate (Germany), Bradford and Bingley (UK), Glitner Bank (Iceland) and Unicredito (Italy).
Here is a little time line summarizing the action that occurred as a lead-up to the vote on the PP:
Nevertheless, the PP gets nixed by the US House of Representatives in a "shocker," and suddenly the Dow plunges 777 points as punishment for our Congress having the audacity to deny the Illuminati because they were getting inundated with calls from constituents who were against the PP, sometimes by as much as 300 to 1. The message: give us the $700 billion or we will give you trillions worth of grief just prior to elections. As a side note, while we are not into numerology, when you get a 777-point punishment for nixing a $700 billion bailout plan, may we suggest there is some sort of message there. Also, as a side note, we had to laugh when Citigroup bought out Wachovia. It was like a zombie marriage made in heaven. The walking dead marrying another member of the walking dead. It's like mixing C-4 with TNT. What a conflagration that combination is going to suffer! We suppose, for now, that we technically have the Fed now leading the Big Five instead of the Big Four (the Big Five being JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and now Citigroup). We'll see how long that lasts. We expect to get back to the Big Four in the not-too-distant future. The Big Four will get vaporized later, as will the Fed, with everything being nationalized, as planned by the Illuminati all along.
Now we are hearing the moron, Illuminist bankers in Europe drone on about how doltish the Americans are for rejecting such an excellent plan. Then there is the Caligula Administration, whining that we don't like the plan any more than you do, but it must be passed or everyone will suffer great pain (as if that can somehow be avoided and as if they aren't drooling over the profits to be made when the money is doled out). Now, the Senate leaders are getting in on the act, blaming the House for defeating such a wonderful plan and causing trillions in losses in the stock markets (even though it was really just the PPT withdrawing its support and strengthening the yen, thereby allowing the financial markets to fall under the weight of their horrendous fundamentals, as well they should when left to themselves instead of being manipulated by our corporatist, fascist, elitist scum and their financial anti-gravity machines). The Senate is going to add some tax breaks to sweeten it for the House Republicans, but the House Democrats may then be put off. The Senate is thus trying to obfuscate what is the main issue - that the plan won't work, will ultimately increase our pain and fan the flames of hyper-stagflation and out-of-control, double-digit interest rates as everyone stampedes toward the exits, trying to unload their treasury paper all at the same time before it becomes worthless. Meanwhile, the bribes and threats are being thrown every which way as the Wall Street pirates and the usual government scalawags attempt to claim their booty.
This so-called rescue plan is a "disgrace," is "totally flawed" and there are many better, and far less expensive, alternatives, notes the respected economist Nouriel Roubini. Also noted by Mr. Roubini is the fact that credit and other financial markets have been deteriorating despite the prospects of approval for the PP, which shows you in spades that the plan won't work and will do little more than line the pockets of the Illuminists at the expense of the taxpayers who will get vaporized in the end. Rather than lay out all of his arguments in detail here, we provide you with the following web sites:
As Mr. Roubini points out, the government's purchase of bank assets is the route the Japanese took, and this led to a two-decade recession/depression which they still struggle with to this day. We will now follow them into financial oblivion unless by some miracle the elitists are stopped from implementing the PP, or the Derivative Death-Star detonates before they can complete their final raping of the sheople. Instead of having a brief one or two years of moderate depression, we will end up with one or two lost decades and the worst depression ever created in the history of mankind, not to mention a corporate, fascist police state.
The PP will temporarily put off, and greatly magnify, the final implosion of our economy which will be worse by an order of magnitude as the direct result of the implementation of the PP. The glowing, Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death-Star insures that destruction is on its way. It is not "if," but "when." When it explodes, in the aftermath, a financial black hole will form as global markets implode, and will suck everything into one final crushing moment of complete annihilation. The PP will only serve to extend the period of elitist fraud, and they will continue to produce toxic waste and dump it on their sucker-dupes for vast fees, spreads and commissions as they speculate, gamble and re-leverage with all their newfound largesse, courtesy of the US taxpayer and the backing of nationalized Phonie and Fraudie along with the huge injection from the PP.
This all ties in with the Big Sting Two. They have beaten down commodities. Now, all they have to do is have the PPT drive up the stock market with the puffery provided by the PP, and they win. They will bail out through their dark pools of liquidity, Project Turquoise and Baikal, behind the public's back, and then use their sales proceeds to buy up all the tangible assets such as precious metals, commodities, real estate and domestic infrastructure at fraudulently manipulated and reduced prices. Such drastically reduced prices will also become available at an ever-accelerating pace as financial and business corporations continue to collapse and go into bankruptcy. After they have bailed out of all dollar-denominated paper assets, the Illuminati will let the stock and bond markets come-crashing down, the price of precious metals and other tangible assets will explode, they will clean up, and you, the sheople taxpayers, will get left holding the proverbial bag of worthless fiat paper for the nth time.
As the system implodes, the highly appreciated tangible assets of the Illuminists will be used to purchase property for pennies on the dollar as liquidations continue under the weight of what will be a complete systemic failure of the fiat money and credit system, after the elitists have had their fun. That is their hope, but we doubt they can hold it up long enough to complete their final rip-off of the sheople. This is why they fear the Derivatives Death-Star, and start mumbling to themselves every time someone in Congress brings that subject up. They must bail out before this Death-Star detonates, or they will be wiped out, hence their desperation to implement the PP. They intend to leave nothing but burned out corporate husks, the Fed and the Big Five included, when the Derivatives Death-Star detonates, and then you, the sheople, will be asked to nationalize the entire banking system. This is what happened to Germany in the aftermath of the Weimar Republic after hyperinflation had cut its swath of destruction. And we have relatives of some of the same players involved in the rebuilding of Nazi Germany as a fascist police state. Caligula's grandfather, Prescott Bush, helped finance the new Nazi fascist government through a banking concern he managed which was later shut down as an entity that collaborated with the Nazis. He was almost hanged for treason before his Illuminist buddies saved his neck. And now GHWB and Dubya are working off the same playbook as history repeats itself. The Fourth Reich is coming to a theatre near you, complete with Nazi death camps and a Nazi police state. As you watch the financial carnage going down all around you, perhaps you can now start to understand and appreciate that this is not business as usual and that we are not conspiracy quacks talking out of our back ends. You had better wake up and take action quickly, or you will be caught up in a new Holocaust.
Now, let's take a look at some of the new blather that was added to the PP to bring about the so-called compromise. First, we state categorically that the taxpayers will not make a single dime of profit from this scam. You are going to pay for this cess pool of toxic sewage at the "hold to maturity value," which means you will pay par less any principal reduction from payments received. And which paper do you think they are going to buy with your dollars? Do you think it will be the stuff worth 70 cents on the dollar, or will it be the stuff going for 10 cents or less on the dollar? We will not even insult your intelligence by answering that question. And if this toxic waste is worth pennies on the dollar now, what will it be worth when our economy finally comes down under the weight of our rabid profligacy, rampaging fraud, rampant speculation, raving lunatic leverage and roaring, outrageous deficits? You guessed it. A big fat goose egg. You will eat the whole thing - guaranteed.
THE CENTER OF THE WORLD ECONOMY has shifted to Asia. A burgeoning Asian economy centered in Beijing is now threatening to take over the failed Zionist banking system as evidenced in the current US financial crisis that no bailout is going to solve.
Economists say that soon China will supersede the now biggest economy of the world, the USA, especially owing to the current problems of the failed US banks. China is presently the world’s second-largest economy after the United States.
China’s growing economy includes the manufacturing of garments, electronics, and information technology goods. China is now the biggest exporter to the US of garments, computers, computer electronics, and other IT goods. The auto industry, spearheaded by foreign capital, is now growing at a rapid pace in China.
China is a large recipient of foreign investment. Overseas firms derive exceptionally high profits from their investments in China. Rates of return on manufacturing investments in China are twice the level of comparable investments in Europe.
The rapid economic development in China is strengthening a China-centered manufacturing base in East Asia. China is also building up its capacity to project military power in the region and is pushing outward into other parts of the world causing America’s ally, Japan, much alarm.
WITH THE ABILITY TO OPERATE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, China is rapidly developing a highly modern military that will be the equal of the combined forces of NATO. Many military analysts fear that the growing might of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will “embolden” it to military action.
Fears were intensified in March of 2008 when China’s state media announced that Hu Jintao called on the military to improve its ability to “win high-tech regional wars.”
On September 29 2008, A London conference held by the world’s authority on battlefield armour & artillery, Jane’s Armour and Artillery, reviewed China’s military plans:
“China is developing a modern maneuverable force able to operate anywhere in the world. This force will be as good if not better than Western armies. New air-to-air refueling planes are being delivered from Russia that will double the range of the China’s current modernized fighters” Here.
“STRATEGIC COOPERATION BETWEEN China and Russia continues to grow,” reported The China Daily on September 30 2008. Recently, Russia signed a contract with China to deliver 34 transport planes and 4 aerial tankers.
Russia is also supplying China’s expanding nuclear power industry. In May of 2008, Russia signed a $1.5 billion deal with China to provide uranium and to build two nuclear reactors in China.
Following his attendance at the opening of the Olympic Games, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin met with President Hu Jintao on August 9 2008 to discuss economic and political cooperation. Hu greeted Putin with some very telling plans:
“China and Russia should further enhance strategic cooperation in three aspects. First, the two countries should continue to promote global multipolarization. Second, China and Russia should establish an international political and economic new order. And third, the two countries should enhance political cooperation” Here