As we try to connect the dots, and piece together this vast yet intricate puzzle, there were several key events that occurred over the last couple of weeks that seems to give more weight to the theory that we are heading towards disclosure of extraterrestrial contact or being programmed to accepted something even more profound. Let's look at these events:
February 20th - Using Reverse Speech Technology, expert Jon Kelly claims that Barack Obama’s inaugural speech predicts “extraterrestrial event.” Canadian speech recognition expert and former CBS radio producer Jon Kelly has subjected a recording of Barack Obama’s inaugural address on the steps on the U.S. capitol on January 20, 2009 to reverse speech analysis. Kelly’s reverse speech analysis, shows that Barack Obama’s inaugural address contains secret messages predicting an extraterrestrial event of global impact on the scale “of the Iraq war” to occur in Obama’s term of office. AUDIO LINK: Click HERE listen to Obama's inaugural address reverse speech message.
February 19th - Huge Gamma Ray blast. The US space agency's Fermi telescope has detected a massive explosion in space which scientists say is the biggest gamma-ray burst ever detected, a report published Thursday in Science Express said. The spectacular blast, which occurred in September in the Carina constellation, produced energies ranging from 3,000 to more than five billion times that of visible light, astrophysicists said.
February 18th - Giant Solar Explosion Recorded. SOHO observed a nice-sized solar storm blast off to the left of the Sun. The source of the explosion appears to have been from the far side of the Sun. With the Sun near the bottom of its 11-year activity cycle, we have not seen many such storms over the past two years. In this coronagraph, the Sun and some of its atmosphere is covered by an occulting disk so that we can see faint features in the surrounding corona. The white circle in image on the left represents the size of the Sun.

February 16th - Canada releases UFO X-Files to the World. Following on the heels of France, Britain and Demark, Canada is now releasing it’s UFO files to the public. The Canadian Government has authorized open public access to thousands of federal government documents concerning UFOs. A total of 9500 digitized documents spanning the years 1947 to the early 1980s have been made available through the Library and Archives Canada website.
February 15th - Fireball or UFO seen over Texas skies. The brilliant fireball that lit up the Texas sky in daytime, no less—was caught on video as it burned its way through the atmosphere.
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