The word month is derived from the Moon. The new month actually begins when the Sun and Moon are conjoined. This is the New Moon, a time of new beginnings.
The Sagittarius New Moon occurs on November 27 at 11:54 AM EST. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planetary energy of optimism and expansion. Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter, and it is appropriate that the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday occurs on the fourth Thursday every year when the Sun is in the sign of abundance. Jovial Sagittarius enjoys celebrations and holiday festivities. Thanksgiving is a time to formally express gratitude and thankfulness to the people and things that bring joy to our lives.
Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius conjoin the New Moon. It’s time to “walk the talk” and put thoughts and feelings into action. Planets in Sagittarius emphasize that life is a never ending journey that expands our mental and physical horizons. Optimism is really about attitude and perception. In a challenging circumstance that we have little or no control over, we still have the choice regarding how we perceive the situation. A glass filled halfway with water can be viewed as either half full or half empty.
This New Moon marks the end of the cycle of Pluto in Sagittarius since 1995. Pluto brings conditions to the surface that have become so broken down and toxic they must be completely transformed. Pluto in Sagittarius brought all types of excesses, from excessive speculation and consumption and the pile of debt (Pluto) incurred to obtain these things. Extreme ideological beliefs manifested terrorism and war. Pluto entered Capricorn shortly before the New Moon. Pluto will remain in Saturn-ruled Capricorn until 2024, transforming matters that have not been built upon a secure foundation. This transformation will particularly relate to career/professional matters and reputation. On a global level, Pluto in Capricorn will transform all types of structures – financial, governmental, societal, and physical infrastructures. Unlike the instant gratification era of Pluto in Sagittarius, Pluto in Capricorn requires investing time and effort in order to achieve what is truly meaningful. Venus in Capricorn harmonizing with Saturn in Virgo and conjoining Jupiter in Capricorn November 29 to December 1 can boost confidence and help make even the biggest changes not seem so overwhelming, if you break down what you need to do into small tasks so each job completed brings you one step closer to meeting your objective. People tend to be more willing to lend a helping hand if you feel overwhelmed. This is an excellent time to barter goods and services.
Another planetary energy shift occurring at this New Moon is Uranus in Pisces moves direct, its energies particularly pronounced November 25-30. (Planets do not really move backwards but appear to from Earth’s vantage point.) Changes that have been brewing internally since late June are now ready for lift off as all of the planets are in forward motion until December 31. Events are unfolding rapidly and in unexpected ways now. The energies of the Sagittarius New Moon can provide the confidence needed to view how you see the world in a new way, preparing the groundwork to establish a new foundation at the December 27 Capricorn New Moon.
In the USA, the New Moon, Mercury and Mars show the Bush administration busy changing and enacting new laws through executive orders that reflect the President’s ideological and religious views. Military spending and activities increase. More actions will be taken and money spent to shore up the economy and financial institutions. It looks like the administration and Congress will act to provide some type of financial assistance to the automakers. This assistance will come with more requirements, regulations, and responsibilities placed on the loan recipients. These rules will extend to their “partners” - the UAW, part suppliers, etc. The public wants major reforms and policies that benefit society at large rather than the status quo. Sudden storms could inflict costly property damage.
“Hotspots” indicate areas in the U.S. and the world where major news events are more likely to occur. In the USA, New England and the Northeast corridor look to be the most prominent areas during the cycle. (The energies at the New Moon influence the entire cycle.)
USA Hotposts: Alaska and Pacific Northwest. Severe storms and travel disruptions and delays are possible in the Northeast to New England corridor: Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut. NEW YORK/NEW YORK CITY, PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, MARYLAND, D.C., coastal Virginia and North Carolina, Miami/southeast Florida, Portland, Minneapolis. World Hotspots: CANADA (Quebec), CUBA, BAHAMAS, Venezuela, COLOMBIA, EQUADOR, PERU/Lima, northern Latin America, BRAZIL. France, SPAIN (MADRID), Budapest, Belgrade, Belarus, UKRAINE, RUSSIA (St. Petersburg), Turkey (Istanbul). Most African nations, especially EGYPT (Cairo), SUDAN, ALGERIA, NIGER, NIGERIA down through S. AFRICA, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Madagascar. Afghanistan, Pakistan, CHINA (Beijing, Hong Kong), Koreas, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand.
The First Quarter Moon, the midpoint between the New and Full Moon, occurs on December 5 at 4:26 PM EST. The Moon and Uranus in Pisces challenge the Sun/Mars/Mercury lineup in Sagittarius, and oppose Saturn. There’s a strong emotional need to break free from traditional beliefs and philosophies and follow your instincts. These energies can increase public protests against corporations, governments and religious institutions, as the public is angry and impatient for radical reform. In the USA, attention focuses on foreign policy, international financial regulations and the large amount of debt held by foreigners. Wildly fluctuating economic and volatile stock market conditions tend toward a negative bias. Public outcry could build between now and the Full Moon for President-Elect Obama or at least his economic team to begin to take charge. Venus enters Aquarius December 7, increasing the call for financial reform. The potential for transportation disruptions and accidents is elevated. Severe weather could bring the potential for extensive property damage. USA Hotspots: Alaska, Pacific northwest to northern California, Texas (Houston). New England/Northeast corridor: New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York/New York City, New Jersey, northeastern Pennsylvania. Maryland, DC. World Hotspots: Vancouver, Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti. Colombia, Peru, Santiago, Suriname, French Guiana, BRAZIL (RIO). UK (Glasgow, Birmingham), France, Barcelona. RUSSIA (Moscow, St. Petersburg), UKRAINE (Khar’kov), GEORGIA. Show time in the Middle East?: TURKEY, SYRIA, LEBANON, ISRAEL, GAZA, JORDAN, SAUDI ARABIA, U.A.E., OMAN, YEMEN, IRAQ, IRAN. Africa, especially east Africa nations are highlighted (battle with Somali pirates?): ETHIOPIA, SOMALIA, KENYA, TANZANIA, MOZAMBIQUE, MADAGASCAR. Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Bangkok, Vietnam, Indonesia, KOREAS, JAPAN, Philippines, Australia.
December 10 through 15 could be a time of worldwide upheaval. Events over the last two weeks will reach a crisis point now. Routines and schedules could be disrupted. We’ve reached half-time in the lunar cycle at the Full Moon on December 12 at 11:37 AM EST. If you want to announce or promote something to receive maximum attention, this is the time to do it! Emotions run high like the tides which will be higher than normal as the Moon is perigee (closest to Earth) now. It’s important to do whatever works to help stay calm and focused as the Full Moon in Gemini can stir up a lot of nervous energy and tension. This is enhanced not only by the Full Moon being perigee, but also because Mars in Sagittarius is challenging Uranus in Pisces now. Mercury-ruled Gemini likes to be on the move and multi-tasking 10 different things at once. The Mars/Uranus alignment is an impatient and erratic energy that can cause accidents, particularly while driving and working with all kinds of tools and equipment due to moving too fast and not being fully present with what we’re doing. Be prepared for cancellations, disruptions, and delays in travel and shipping. Have extra money and supplies on hand in case of power disruptions and outages. Backup computer files and have batteries on hand, ensuring all electronic devices are fully charged.
Mercury having just entered Capricorn, conjoins Pluto today. These energies tend to bring toxic conditions to light (with the Full Moon in Gemini, the media will be in overdrive reporting it all). Previously undisclosed information about global and domestic government agencies (especially the Federal Reserve) could surface now. Mercury rules currencies which could be very volatile now, possibly bringing a change of direction in one or more major currencies. The Gemini Moon opposes the Sun in Sagittarius which conjoins Mars. These planets* challenge the opposition of Saturn in Virgo to Uranus in Pisces. To say the traditional way of doing things is changing is an understatement! The push for radical change can be so great that it could manifest shockingly and violently during this time.
The USA is especially affected by the above planetary energies as they all converge upon the USA’s natal Mars in Gemini indicating action and upheaval is taking place on two primary fronts: the economic/financial system and our military action and policies abroad. Covert actions occurring now could be reported around December 19. The USA was born with Mars in Gemini challenging Neptune in Virgo, so this Full Moon affects that as well. This planetary alignment represents the nation’s actions and wars that seem to revolve around oil, drugs, communism and other belief systems. At some point the USA will get a realistic grasp on how the so-called “American Dream” can be manifested into reality instead of being illusive and purposefully vague. The nation’s identity and reputation are illuminated now. The last Full Moon that affected the USA Mars was on September 15 when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, accelerating the financial crisis. The energies now increase the potential for severe weather conditions, natural and manmade disasters. Major natural disasters have occurred when planets are impacting the USA’s Mars/Neptune alignment: 1906 San Francisco earthquake, eruption of Mt. St. Helens, and Hurricane Katrina. USA Hotspots: Eastern seaboard, especially Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, MASSACHUSETTS (Boston), Rhode Island, Connecticut, NEW YORK/New York City, New Jersey. Detroit, Denver, Texas (Dallas, San Antonio), Pacific Northwest (Seattle, Portland) and northern California (San Francisco, Sacramento). World Hotspots: CANADA (Vancouver, Montreal, Nova Scotia/Newfoundland). Caribbean: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Lesser Antilles. South America: VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, PERU, CHILE, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina. Ireland, western UK, France, SPAIN, Germany, Rome, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia, Serbia, Greece. Iraq, Iran (Tehran). African nations, especially ALGERIA (site of Dec 17 OPEC meeting), LIBYA, Niger, Nigeria, CHAD, CAMEROON, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, CONGO, ZAIRE, Kigali, Tanzania, ZAMBIA, ZIMBABWE, Mozambique, Johannesburg, Cape Town. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Delhi, Mumbai). CHINA (central provinces and Beijing), Taiwan, Bangkok, Vietnam, Cambodia, INDONESIA (Jakarta), Philippines, western Australia, New Zealand.
Now the Moon is decreasing in light – a time to review and reflect. The Last Quarter Moon occurs on December 19 at 5:29 AM EST. The Moon in Virgo conjoins Saturn and challenges the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius and Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury also rules Virgo. Nervous energy affects the digestive system and overall health. There’s a tendency to worry too much with the Moon conjoining Saturn. It’s important to put your mental and physical well being before holiday activities and obligations. If you’re not feeling good, how can you be of service to others? Drinking a lot of water and eating simple foods in small quantities can be helpful. Taking time for at least brief periods of exercise helps relieve impatient energies.
In the USA, the focus continues to be on the administration and its handling of the economy and financial system. Jupiter in Capricorn conjoins the USA Pluto, expanding the budget. There appears to be a greater sense of optimism that current financial structures can be transformed by the incoming administration, likely to result in more buying than selling in the stock market. (Quadruple Options expiration occurs today.) USA Hotspots: Eastern seaboard, especially Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York/New York City, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Delaware, Maryland, DC, eastern Virginia and North Carolina. Midwest (Dakotas, Nebraska, western Kansas and Oklahoma), central Texas. Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, northern California (San Francisco/Oakland). World Hotspots: Canada (British Columbia, Quebec), central Mexico. Caribbean: Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands/Lesser Antilles. South America: VENEZUELA, COLOMBIA, PERU (Lima), CHILE (Santiago), northwestern Brazil. Dublin, UK (Scotland, western UK, London), Sweden (Stockholm), Helsinki, Germany. Eastern Europe/fmr Russian Republics: POLAND (Warsaw, Krakow), Czech Republic, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, Bosnia, Serbia, RUSSIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, BELARUS, UKRAINE. Greece, Turkey. Beirut, Jerusalem, Iraq, Iran (Tehran). African Nations: LIBYA, CHAD, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, Cameroon, GABON, CONGO, ZAIRE, Angola, Namibia, South Africa (Cape Town), Ethiopia, Somalia, Nairobi. Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Delhi, Mumbai). Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, INDONESIA, CHINA (Hong Kong), Philippines, western Australia.
For more information on this cycle period, check out my post on Mars in Sagittarius. The Weekly Forecast has a daily description of planetary influences.
*The Sun and Moon are luminaries, not planets.
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