
Regarding your shameless irresponsible diatribe of canned Zionist propaganda of 22 Sept 08
I, and MILLIONS like me are sick to death of the duplicity and treason. You took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and you have violated that oath in favor of loyalty to a foreign power – the ONLY such country to have - BY PUREST LEGAL DEFINITION – to have committed an ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the last half century. You even display the flag of that criminal country proudly in your office. Have you no shame? Will your next oath be with your hand on the Talmud?
How DARE YOU insult world leaders with your canned Zionist hate speech. Your ignorance of international history and foreign affairs is an embarrassment to all of us who know the truth. You do not have a clue lady - - NOT A CLUE! The ONLY legitimate “ OUTRAGE” here is that of informed mature persons like myself who are forced to endure your childish outbursts of abysmal ignorance and your pathetic parroting of predictable Zionist Jew racist hatred. Until I had actually read this disgusting diatribe of outright putrid lies and purposeful disinformation, I thought it impossible for a professing Christian and VP nominee to conduct themselves in such an irresponsible manner.
I have female friends in several Mid-East countries that would just shake their heads in dismay. Do you have any idea how foolish you sound when you make rash idiotic statements like Iranian women are beaten or killed for not covering their hair? Your comments are direct from Zionist propaganda and are third world jokes today. I can still remember when oyster-brained Baptists in THIS country actually believed it when their red-neck moron pastors told them that Catholic Priests had cloven hooves and worshipped idols.
I don’t care if you want to make a fool our of your self personally – but STOP making people in my country look like brain-sharing imbeciles to other nations! Our international reputation is at an all time low as it is. You are an embarrassment to those of us who are educated. Jews are MASTER liars and consummate deceivers and have been since ‘day one’.. Ask your Zionist pastor to read ALOUD in CHURCH the words of condemnation of the Jews by our lord regarding LIES – IF he has the honesty = John 8 verses 42-44
How DARE you speak of terrorists murdering civilians in the Mid East – you lying hypocrite! The only REAL terrorists there today that are INDEED murdering HUGE numbers of civilians – mostly helpless children are the IDF and our own military. I have hunted REAL terrorists and know what REAL terrorists are. Child killers like your son, Mrs. Palin are the REAL terrorists. I trained over a thousand young men your son’s age long before he was born, and I pray to God that none of them turned out to be the child murderers that are WELL DOCUMENTED in today’s ‘new improved’ - ‘Army strong’ mindless killers. My conscience is clean.
You Madam, are inciting murder and even worse – something that your intellectually challenged brain obviously can’t quite grasp. Your diatribe of hate has furnished the murderous Jew Mossad thugs with the possible incentive to commit murder via a ‘Montage’ operation as it is called in the intelligence community. It is also called a false flag operation and has been committed by the Jews on more than one occasion to divert guilt from themselves to one of their enemies. An actual example of the many they have attempted in the past – the scenario goes something like this:
An unarmed intelligence ship – of the US Navy – -Let’s call her the USS LIBERTY – kind of a nice American ring to it – like our Liberty Bell. She is on duty in international waters. Lets say that it is in the Med and is gathering information on war crimes committed by the Jews. The self-chosen don’t want the world to discover what animals they really are –so they, the IsraHELL government, launch an all out attack – air, sea and land forces (air cav) to murder the entire crew – sink the ship and thus make ALL of the evidence of their murder disappear. Fortunately – the brave little ship somehow stays afloat despite being raked by thousands of rounds of cannon and machine-gun fire – bombs – napalm - all life boats AND radio antenna purposely destroyed and even torpedoes ripping house size holes in the ship – she manages to stay afloat – most of the crew burned alive or blown to bits. The cunning Jews had planned on blaming the murderous attack on the Arabs but alas – those pesky surviving American sailors managed to keep their ship afloat. Unfortunately the tragic story does not have a happy or even JUST ending – YET!
The Jews are NOTORIOUS for committing this type of crime with their cunning and their “by deceit we wage” war motto. Rather fitting for the Jew mind anyway. What is so horrible about your stupidity is that you may have enabled the murder of Elected President Ahmadinejhad of the Republic of Iran along with God only knows how many other innocent human beings. This man is the ELECTED PRESIDENT of a FREE REPUBLIC, and if you had an ounce of class or education or integrity – you might set an example for our children to NOT act like a thug of illiterate street whore and at least address him with the respect of the title – since you know NOTHING about him other than the lies your have been spoon fed by your masters upon whose buttocks you so eagerly press your lips in subservience.
That is - PRESIDENT - Ahmadinejhad to you lady. IF you would want respect for yourself – show it to those elected officials who have earned it. That man has NEVER DONE ANYTHING BAD TO YOU OR ANY DECENT AMERICAN – he is not a drunk or an alcoholic – he is NOT a liar – he is not a traitor to his own country - and he is not a CONFIRMED war criminal – as IS our disgraceful President - so start acting like someone in your substantial position and not like a liberal ‘biker bitch’.
May I remind you that it was NOT The Iranians the Iraqis the Afghans or ANY OTHER Arab people who PURPOSELY murdered our sons on the USS LIBERTY – it was the JEWS. May I remind you that it was not the Arabs who sold our country out to the Communists in the biggest act of treason in history – ultimately costing MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CHRISTIAN LIVES – it was the JEWS. May I remind you that it was NOT the Arabs who got us into WWII – it was the JEWS. May I remind you that it was not the Arabs who got us into WWI – it was the Jews. May I remind you that it was not the Arabs who threw God out of our classrooms – it was the JEWS.
May I remind you that it was not the Arab people who made the murder of some 40 MILLION innocent babies possible – it was the JEWS. May I remind you that it was not the Arab people who have elevated violence – murder – abortion – adultery – pornography – homosexual perversions – pedophilia – blasphemy and non-stop damning of God in public in MY country – it is the JEWS. AND may I remind you that it was NOT the Arab people who ARE always at the forefront of mocking and spiting on Christian worshipers in Jerusalem – it was the Jews. Oh - and finally – Mrs. Jew worshiper – it was NOT the Arabs who had our Lord murdered for condemning their filthy blasphemous conduct – IT WAS THE JEWS!
People like you ARE the REAL threat to world peace – but the how in hell would you have a clue. I was training young warriors how to defend the sacred rights of OUR people in my country before you were even potty trained! I hope that I would never live to see the day that a person who might very well be a heartbeat away from the Presidency was so ABYSMALLY stupid that they had to share a brain with their masters and allow the strings to be pulled as they appeared animated but brainless as the puppet you have shown the world you REALLY are.
Do you have a CLUE as to what kind of threat to world peace that idiots like you REALLY ARE? YOU – are the one that MUST be stopped – before you endanger the entire world with your imbecilic ranting and ravings! By YOUR irresponsible actions YOU are RIGHT NOW placing innocent people in harm’s way. Because of criminally irresponsible people like YOU - over a million TOTALLY innocent men women and children – MOSTLY CHILDREN have been brutally murdered all for the greater glory of the MONSTROUSLY immoral and criminal STOLEN state of IsraHELL.
You babble about failing in Iraq – FAILING WHAT LADY? Failing to have murdered the ENTIRE population? FAILURE to leave only TEN MILLION HOMELESS! Remember – you imbecile – they have done NO harm to anyone here. My own grandchildren are not threatened by them – but YOU and your treasonous ilk ARE DAMN SURE a threat to their lives and safety. You still don’t get it – do you? YOU AND McCain are the threat to world and domestic peace. YOU and country sellers like you = ARE THE ENEMY.
Because of CRIMINALLY IRRESPONSIBLE supporters like your self, we have a war criminal for a President – our TRUE Christian heritage has all but been totally destroyed – our economic life is a heartbeat away from a flat-line – our reputation among the DECENT people of the world is at an ALL TIME LOW – our children have become violence worshipers with NO REGARD for the sanctity of human life – IN-YOUR-FACE displays of homosexual perversion are epidemic - Americans are actually fined/imprisoned for displays of Christian devotion – ALL major television are Zionist controlled and UNOPPOSEDLY now depicts Christ as an illegitimate “bastard’ lunatic – His mother as a whore – the Bible as fantasy – violence has been eulogized to the level of adoration – heterosexual marriage is openly mocked and ridiculed – torture is OK in America now – we have become engaged in endless serial wars with the enemies – of – NOT THE USA – but IsraHell - our Constitutional freedoms are eroded day by day and hatred and killing are now openly ‘preached’ from pseudo-Christian pulpits in every corner of the land and a hundred more disgusting immoral issues that have turned America into a buried morally rotted corpse – and people like YOU are providing the shovel .
WHY are you so EAGER to humble yourself before the very SAME people who are at the forefront of ALL of these horrors – people whose leaders have OPENLY displayed their virulent hatred of our traditional morals and values. I am not a wealthy man Mrs. Palin - but I will donate $1000 of my life savings to YOU personally, IF you can prove to me that your new Jew friends who are so eager to gain your loyalties to IsraHELL instead of America (remember – you CANNOT serve two masters) have had no hand at all in the moral demise of my country as above illustrated. No financing – no legislative efforts – no judicial efforts - no endless journalistic efforts and no influence promoting these evils on radio newspapers magazines TV and cinema. I have thrown down the ‘gauntlet’ in defense of my once Christian Republic – do you have the integrity to pick it up?
You CLAIM to be a pro-life Christian – YOU HYPOCRITE! Are you so arrogant and elitist to believe that the FACT that COUNTLESS innocent children worldwide that will be MURDERED in the name of IsraHELL BY YOUR HAND (and or by your finance, as in Gaza) and YOUR approval is pleasing to our Lord? Just what kind of heresy does your pastor preach that says it is OK to murder those “rag-head – sand-nigger – camel-jockey’s” children (as your Jew friends identify them) – BUT not your own precious white kids! I believe that God has a SPECIAL place for those who support the murder and torture and starvation of the most innocent of His creations – helpless – defenseless children. They are shot for SPORT in Gaza – hunted like animals – as young as 5 or 6. Have you seen this? No of course not. I have. Do you have the GUTS to ask me about the TRUTH of these everyday horrors you support? Of course not. Votes and fame take precedence over justice and truth. Isn’t that what your Jew friends have taught you? I have seen people like you all my life. You are fake – a fraud and a deceiver. Did your Jew masters pay you the full traditional fee of thirty pieces of silver for treason and betrayal ?
Lady – you have not spent time in the Mid-East – and even if you do – YOU WILL BE CAREFULLY TAKEN TO CAREFULLY DISGUISED PLACES ONLY. You will be shown ONLY what your LYING Zionist masters WILL ALLOW YOU TO SEE. I have been there and WITNESSED horrors that YOU will now be responsible for. How much longer can you live a lie? How much more will you mock our Lord? The TRUTH is my ‘sword’ – not “deception”
I was once, not JUST a Republican – I was a ‘REPUBLICAN’S REPUBLICAN’ – a formal member of the RNC for over two decades. I was not ‘just a soldier’ – I volunteered to become a ‘Green Beret’ as a young man, to serve and protect my country from REAL enemies - and the youngest to be promoted to Captain in my State and the youngest company commander on record at Ft Gordon training basics during the Berlin Crisis – so do not suppose that this justifiable harsh criticism of your rancid conduct originates from some recycled 60’s liberal love child doper. There are many more REAL people like me – not famous – not rich – not well known – but REAL people who have kept the ‘faith’ – worked hard – respected life – paid their dues and just want the madness to stop and regain control of our OWN country back from the Jews.
I just want to have a REAL reason to be proud once again to be an American. I want to see our children freed from the stranglehold of the influence of Jew incited Godless TV. I want to see our veterans given decent treatment at VA hospitals and not told “your necessary drugs are not available because they are TOO EXEPNSIVE “ while at the same time our war criminal lunatic President had just spent HUNDREDS OF MILIONS OF TAX DOLLARS to AIRLIFT the most horrific kind of weapons – outlawed by Geneva to supply the Jews so they could massacre MORE terrified civilian refugees – mostly children – mostly Christians, fleeing Beirut Lebanon. There was to be a cease fire in less than 48hours – but our Zionist worshiping war criminal President was not satisfied with the number of mutilated burned to death terrified civilians yet – so he had these 155mmWhite Phosphorous and cookie cutter shells AIRLIFTED BY TAXPAYER EXPENSE SO AS TO HELP THE JEWS MURDER MORE CHRISTIANS! Yes there were ‘terrorists’ murdering Lebanese civilians around Beirut. Those ‘terrorists’ were the IDF JEWS – you idiot! Stop your damned lies! LIES KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!
Do you bother to learn this kind of ugly truth – of course not – it might ‘offend’ our good Jew ally IsraHELL. I am an AMERICAN veteran – but because of the lust of our ‘Furher’ for killing civilians, I had to purchase my own “TOO EXPENSIVE” drugs so we could ‘afford’ to murder more children! Of course I am not a famous sexy icon superstar with a JUICY SCANDAL – so my little problem is not newsworthy. Outrages like this happen everyday - 24-7 to untold numbers of Americans, but we are ordinary people and our injustices don’t count anymore in our Zionist occupied nation. How in the name of GOD can a person like you look in the mirror – knowing you have sold your soul to these people for fame and fortune.
Do you have ANY idea of the fact that you are being used by the Jews. They ‘play you’ like a cheap guitar – knowing that you will jump through whatever ‘hoop’ you are asked to – no matter how demeaning or how vile the request – they KNOW that you will perform for your masters as they dictate. Have you no shame – as a wife – as a mother – as a high elected official to be used like apiece of meat? My mother was an attractive woman and as wholesome discreet and modest as a saint. I DAMN sure would take offense should she have been referred to in public as “HOT and SEXY”. Do you know what that means when a man uses that term to describe a woman? It means she incites sexual arousal by virtue of her body and especially her way of displaying it. I’m sure that your children would be THRILLED to know that their mom works for people that consider her as being able to arouse them sexually. Are you even aware of these things?
I put my pants on the same way any man does – but it is NOT what any decent Christian man wants to hear about their mother – or their sister – or their daughter. Jews especially like to use the tem to describe a woman they would like to ‘bed down’. Did you know that you were described as HOT and SEXY on a Jew Webb Site that supported you PRIMARILY for your slavish ‘IsraHELL first’ attitude. This site also SPECIFICALLY stated that they wanted you to kill Israel’s enemies. I have no reason to think you are in any way that kind of woman – but your Zionist admirers certainly do. Show some class Governor – stop being a Jew shill and sex object. IF you are actually flattered by some Godless Zionist Jew getting sexually excited over you – because you have big breasts and are loyal first to a foreign power - then you DAMN SURE ARE NOT FIT TO SERVE AS A VICE PRESIDENT OF MY COUNTRY!
I want to see Christian Pastors and NOT Godless Zionists in our Churches. I want to be RESPECTED by the people of the dozens of nations that I have visited- and not just FEARED! I want to experience the kind of aura of goodness that I remembered when I was a child in ‘another’ country – called AMERICA! I want to see past MAJOR injustices like the USS Liberty massacre – and the WACO massacre avenged with JUSTICE. I want to see these UGLY TRUTHS - taught in our schools so our children will know that this country stands for REAL justice, and the criminals involved brought to justice. The USS Liberty massacre? Remember the butchering of hundreds of our sons fathers husbands and friends by your Jew pals? Do you even know what I am talking about? - Oh never mind.
I want to see prayer restored in our schools to make them places of learning and respect. I want to see criminals of every level brought to justice for grave crimes – such as treason and war crimes so as to restore confidence in our system once more. I want to see and hear TRUTH emanate from Capitol Hill – our news media and our schools. I hope to live to see elected officials – such as yourself – stand up to evil and just do the right thing – the Christian thing the American thing – and tell evil to stay away – which sadly – you have not had the integrity nor courage to do. AND finally – I want to be able to live in a USA that is NOT UNDER OCCUPATION by the Jews – as we have been – but under the positive influence of TRUE Christian principle – not the disgusting Christ mocking heresies of greedy prosperity preachers like Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen nor the Zionist war/hate mongers the ilk of Robertson, Falwell Hagee et al.
PLEASE Mrs. Palin – you are probably a ‘good’ mom and maybe a decent Governor – but you have been bought – body and soul - by the “sons of the Devil” and what you do will only increase human misery and increase the destruction of traditional Christianity in my country through your ignorance. PLEASE leave before you make it any worse. YOU WILL LOSE the respect of decent mainstream Americans AND more importantly - YOUR SOUL
Joe Cortina
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